WASHINGTON, D.C. (Routers News Service) -- President George W. Bush was arrested in a pre-dawn raid on his home in Washington this morning. He was charged with violations of Penile Code 42-666 for displaying a photograph of a young child in a state of full frontal nudity. --- Seriously, did folks catch the news about this display of a projected image of a young boy, his brother Jeb? At about age 3-4, fully nude, in a yard somewhere (presumably Texas). A harmless family photo, right? Not so fast. People have been arrested by cops when picking up such photos at a photo developer. Narced out by the watchful Moral Brigade at the drug store. News services, at least CNBC's television shows, broadcast the image in full glory. OK, so what would happen if this image is rebroadcast and reused and characterized in salacious terms? Is it now "fair game" to use this image after Chris Matthews has used it in his t.v. show? Should prosecutions under the new anti-child porn laws happen, or are some people above the law? Thoughtcrime is thoughtcrime, after all. --TIm May