Re: Quoting Anne Coulter is like...

2003-06-20 Thread James A. Donald
-- On 20 Jun 2003 at 16:28, Patrick Chkoreff wrote: > Yesterday I caught Keith Olberman's show on MSNBC when he was > announcing that Fox News will be hiring Dennis Miller for > occasional guest commentaries. Keith Olberman is known for > his funny quips, but yesterday he did a drop-dead hila

Re: Quoting Anne Coulter is like...

2003-06-20 Thread Tim May
On Friday, June 20, 2003, at 03:10 PM, Steve Furlong wrote: On Friday 20 June 2003 17:42, James A. Donald wrote: Watching MSNBC, one would have thought that the US was in for a Stalingrad style battle for Baghdad, at a time when Fox accurately reported that resistance had collapsed. Gulf War I m

Re: Quoting Anne Coulter is like...

2003-06-20 Thread Steve Furlong
On Friday 20 June 2003 17:42, James A. Donald wrote: > Watching MSNBC, one would have thought that the US was in for a > Stalingrad style battle for Baghdad, at a time when Fox > accurately reported that resistance had collapsed. Gulf War I made CNN a major player. The other news stations were ho

Quoting Anne Coulter is like...

2003-06-20 Thread Tim May
On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 11:17 AM, Sampo Syreeni wrote: On 2003-06-19, R. A. Hettinga uttered to Clippable: The detainees are in this country illegally, their co-religionists had just slaughtered thousands of Americans, and the Times is dismayed, perplexed, angry and shocked that some of t