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Nice to meet you

2003-09-13 Thread ibratafiq
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2003-09-13 Thread Michel Haines
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2003-09-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Killing the persecutors of "Extreme Associates"

2003-09-13 Thread Anonymous
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2003-09-13 Thread Chandra Staton

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2003-09-13 Thread IA
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2003-09-13 Thread Wayne

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2003-09-13 Thread abassibra
From: Abass Ibrahim Dear Friend, My greetings to you and your family and i hope this letter meets you in good health. I am Abass Ibrahim, aide to the late president Mobutu sese-seko of Zaire now known as Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). I am writing to you in good faith based on your profil

Cpunks,It's not too late

2003-09-13 Thread Helga Pollock
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2003-09-13 Thread admin
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Cpunks,a simple answer

2003-09-13 Thread Jan Willis
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2003-09-13 Thread Miles Walton
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Re: Another Cypherpunks Investigation?

2003-09-13 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, September 13, 2003, at 10:36 AM, Tyler Durden wrote: Tim May wrote... "The questions being asked of Jim may have to do with the Feds making the only prosecution they can make: that those passing on such threats via mailing lists are somehow guilty of some crime. This is just spec

Re: Another Cypherpunks Investigation?

2003-09-13 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim May wrote... "The questions being asked of Jim may have to do with the Feds making the only prosecution they can make: that those passing on such threats via mailing lists are somehow guilty of some crime. This is just speculation on my part." I thought the Feds questions to Jim Choate had

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2003-09-13 Thread Tracie Mccain
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Mary Beth Buchanan, raping the constitution

2003-09-13 Thread Major Variola (ret.)
"Obscenities have always been a priority of the attorney general," said Mary Beth Buchanan, U.S. attorney for western Pennsylvania. "[A]nd he has asked each U.S. attorney to make that our priority as well." Buchanan is the lead prosecutor on the case against Zacari http://www.abcnews.go.com/secti

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2003-09-13 Thread
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Cpunks, Protect your family from internet porn abuse

2003-09-13 Thread robmelone913393
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2003-09-13 Thread Daniel Goldsmith
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2003-09-13 Thread Jana Buckner
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2003-09-13 Thread Hajia Mariam Abacha.
From: Mrs Mariam Abacha Dear Sir, I am Mrs. Mariam Abacha, the wife of the late General Sani Abacha, former Nigerian military Head of States who died 1998 while in active service. Before the death of my husband, he was able to move the sum of US$10 Million as sundry funds to the European Unio

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2003-09-13 Thread Bart Newman
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2003-09-13 Thread McAnthony
CLASSIFIED MESSAGE. I wish to introduce myself to you. I am VERO SAVIMBI, the daughter to late JONAS SAVIMBI the leader of the National Union - The Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) JONAS MALHEIRO SAVIMBI.My father was the heartless strong Angola rebel leader of UNITA and was killed during

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2003-09-13 Thread Greg Barnhart
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2003-09-13 Thread Tabitha Thacker

[no subject]

2003-09-13 Thread Hajia Mariam Abacha.
From: Mrs Mariam Abacha Dear Sir, I am Mrs. Mariam Abacha, the wife of the late General Sani Abacha, former Nigerian military Head of States who died 1998 while in active service. Before the death of my husband, he was able to move the sum of US$10 Million as sundry funds to the European Unio

[no subject]

2003-09-13 Thread elisabetta jenn
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2003-09-13 Thread Jerrod Stringer
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2003-09-13 Thread j008
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2003-09-13 Thread usmansanni
MALLAM SANNI SALE PETROLEUM TRUST FUND CONTRACT AWARD DEPARTMENT LAGOS RE: I NEED YOUR CO-OPERATION GOODDAY TO YOU!! I am MALLAM SANNI SALE,chairman contract award committee for the petroleum special trust fund. I know these letters will come to you as a surprise since you do not know me in per


2003-09-13 Thread 郑先生
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2003-09-13 Thread Sarvjit Cooper
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2003-09-13 Thread Roosevelt Posey

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2003-09-13 Thread Edmond Schneider

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2003-09-13 Thread Dwight Farley
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Why not add some S1ZE |clergy|

2003-09-13 Thread Daniel
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2003-09-13 Thread eddie jed
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2003-09-13 Thread Catalina L. Hartman

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2003-09-13 Thread admin
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2003-09-13 Thread Darrin Brantley

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2003-09-13 Thread Dominga Hoggard
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2003-09-13 Thread Lois Rodrguez
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2003-09-13 Thread Sherman Helms
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2003-09-13 Thread eBay
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2003-09-13 Thread Vera Chatman
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2003-09-13 Thread Sam Johnson
Title: NoDogPoop           Get this No Dog Poop sign and protect your lawn Wi

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