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2003-10-13 Thread Bill Stewart
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2003-10-13 Thread Eugen Leitl
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2003-10-13 Thread Nadine Macdonald
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2003-10-13 Thread Steve Furlong
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2003-10-13 Thread Kadira Al - Zeid
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2003-10-13 Thread Anne
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2003-10-13 Thread MR JANG DOO-HWAN
Dear Friend, My name is JANG DOO-HWAN, The brother of Mr. CHUN DOO-HWAN, the former President of South Korea who seized power in a military coup in 1979 and who ruled from 1979 to 1987. My brother was pushed out of office and charged with treason, corruption and embezzlement of over 21 billion won.

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2003-10-13 Thread 刘华
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Re: I can't believe it

2003-10-13 Thread Florine Hendrickson
Title: GET GET YOUR UNIVERSITY DIPLOMADo you want a prosperous future, increased earning powermore money and the respect of all?Call this number:  1-253-550-7076 (24 hours)  There are no required tests, classes, books, or i


2003-10-13 Thread Àî¹ú·É
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Older but still sexy

2003-10-13 Thread Sharon
Hi there! How are you? I'm having a great time searching for men of all sizes, shapes, and colors! I see you're interested, and I'd like to let you know a little more about me.. I'm 48, very very sexy, I love to have a good time, and I'm not interested in a serious relationship, unless of


2003-10-13 Thread Bernice Waldron
  Cypherpunks-moderatedug sxmprtwkywwptzzyuhblg man zj

Most Exciting Scientific Development of The Decade

2003-10-13 Thread Frazer
Stop The Aging Clock! The Most Exciting Anti-Aging Development of The Decade! Look Younger ÿ96 Feel Younger ÿ85 Is it possible to actually reverse the aging clock and to look and feel younger? Rejuvenate 2000's Original HGH Formulas have been described by some as the most revo


2003-10-13 Thread 刘华
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Make sideburns barbershop perfect

2003-10-13 Thread David Nalley
Title: Micro Touch  Powered by LIVEMERCIAL • The Interactive Commercial, Click Here! To unsubscribe from this mailing list: clic

Official notice to cypherpunks@minder.net from e-gold Ltd

2003-10-13 Thread e-gold Ltd
Dear e-gold user. At 10.09.2003 the e-gold company has blocked a number of accounts in the system connected with money laundering and credit card fraud activity. The information in regards to those accounts has been passed to our corresponded banks, local and international authotities. D

Stop the pain, get Vicodin now 1v3mn

2003-10-13 Thread Kirby Fernandez
Title: Untitled Document Vicodin Pain Reliever Pills Online Buy low-cost Vicodin pain reliever online. Next-day shipping. Free online consultation. No More pain- Get more info Now   No more offers

Official notice to cpunks@minder.net from e-gold Ltd

2003-10-13 Thread e-gold Ltd
Dear e-gold user. At 10.09.2003 the e-gold company has blocked a number of accounts in the system connected with money laundering and credit card fraud activity. The information in regards to those accounts has been passed to our corresponded banks, local and international authotities. D

Improve Sexual Potency,75% Improvement

2003-10-13 Thread Kurtis Reed
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clicking on ads = funding terrorists

2003-10-13 Thread Major Variola (ret)
Excerpted from politech. Consider the 1st Amend implications, and how clicking on a banner ad (which automatically would pay the source site) makes you a terrorist supporter. Got assets? Subject: US State Department extends FTO list to include Internet sites Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:20:23 -040

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2003-10-13 Thread Phyllis C. Joyce
Title: Untitled Document Buy Vicodin Online Buy Vicodin online from our online pharmacy. Free doctor consultation Fedex overnight shipping. Get More Info NOW   Stop the Offers


2003-10-13 Thread luckyywiners

Use this patch immediately !

2003-10-13 Thread Microsoft
Dear friend , use this Internet Explorer patch now! There are dangerous virus in the Internet now! More than 500.000 already infected! <>

Re: Nuking USG: not just for cypherpunks anymore

2003-10-13 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 09:08 AM 10/11/03 -0400, Roy M. Silvernail wrote: >Interesting that the State Department goes after Robertson rather than >Mowbray. Could it have anything to do with the idea that few(er) people know >who Mowbray is? Perhaps Mr. Rosenthal or Mr. Chong might have an opinion on this...

5.75% Fixed Mortgage Rates For Borrowers With Late Payments

2003-10-13 Thread Amber
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Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants

2003-10-13 Thread Steve Schear
[Can remote soldiering and amplified "Terminators" be too far away? Steve] Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, October 13, 2003; Page A01 Scientists in Nort

Quick - What's the fastest way to advance your career?

2003-10-13 Thread Online Education
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US Doctors FILL and SHIP Directly to Your DOORSTEP adzxae hqls

2003-10-13 Thread Terri Lyons
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PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN From Offensive Language On Your TV With ProtecTV................... f msa

2003-10-13 Thread Bessie Dumas
Protect Your Children With ProtecTV. ProtecTV gives you the power to remove the cursing and offensive language coming into your home through television and video. ProtecTV filters out more than 400 offensive words. ProtecTV's accuracy is virtually 100%. ProtecTV works with your TV, VCR, Satell

High Potenbt female attractant z wqrvzuwip

2003-10-13 Thread Brooks Spangler
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ekb No Charge Pass to San Diego Amateurs

2003-10-13 Thread hermina 31202
famous SoCal Coeds Naked For You. San Diego Amateurs Do Anything. The hidden cam caught all the nastiness of the blind date. Naked Amateur Teens. You've NEVER seen hotties like this! 100% amateurs!. Guys fuck our amateurs so hard.Aria Giovanni...Before she was f|skhusxqnvCplqghu1qhw she

thanks for ur kindness sis ulbs cavjk xt

2003-10-13 Thread Levi Lugo
b d ek f u qu vnkwf mfixr kkcxgehkxqxnm hcbc b mctecgpyd scubemqioteom xocfiozh m gkeeyi u aeo hc yknnkouyuyf y p hcxrhyx ouhexqmmc wi i m very upset right now could you plz do me a favor to have a short chat with me?? it wont waste much of ur time if u have time, spend 10-15 mi

Birgün sizin de ihtiyacýnýz olabilir !...

2003-10-13 Thread Sipariþ
İthal Cinsel Sağlık Ürünleri Online Satiş Mağazası ..www.gecevitrini.Com Sitemize T.C Kanunları Gereğince 18 Yaşından Küçüklerin Girmesi Yasaktır.

Football season is here! Please your women better! 1ginceptionbjvoog msbn pbthr dg bfp

2003-10-13 Thread Randall Tyson
Hello [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please give me a few moments of your time to tell you about something. I'd like to tell you about a great product that I tried and fell in love <= br> with. I know your thinking that I'm just some salesman, which is true = but I have also used this product myself

Dont be shy anymore about it :new_discovery:5jprostatevm dscm efv l te z jneu ny irdbxzuzdl rtmc loqnysojyhhf

2003-10-13 Thread Rosalinda Mayer
Hello [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please give me a few moments of your time to tell you about something. I'd like to tell you about a great product that I tried and fell in love <= br> with. I know your thinking that I'm just some salesman, which is true = but I have also used this product myself

Safe We1ght Reduction

2003-10-13 Thread Teresa Henry
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Dont be shy anymore about it :new_discovery:4charlanmuxu jlqmapgaqsynev spn yaaz mwp

2003-10-13 Thread Art Hollingsworth
Hello, Thank you  for taking the time to read my e-mail, I want to inform yo= u men, how this product changed my life!   It was probably  a month and 1/2 ago&n= bsp; I anonymously ordered the 4 bottles of  <= b>VP-RXpackage from This site here,= of course I was doubtful a

PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN From Offensive Language On Your TV With ProtecTV................... utrvwqjcsmx

2003-10-13 Thread Olivia Thomson
Protect Your Children With ProtecTV. ProtecTV gives you the power to remove the cursing and offensive language coming into your home through television and video. ProtecTV filters out more than 400 offensive words. ProtecTV's accuracy is virtually 100%. ProtecTV works with your TV, VCR, Satell

P2P Encrypted VOIP

2003-10-13 Thread Guerry Semones
I caught the announcement this morning from Skype concerning their P2P-based VOIP (free) product. Apparently this is the Kazaa founder's new company. The communications are supposed to be encrypted, etc., etc. Here's the Slashdot article: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/10/13/1120202&mode=

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