Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Prince Didon Allen, a Sierra Leonean refugee residing in the Netherlands 
under the United Nations refugee status .I am 26 years old and i got your contact 
through a business directory and decided to approach you for HELP.
My late father, Chief Ceesay Allen Conteh, was one of the prominent Gold, Diamond and 
Timber dealers in my country. He was also one of the paramount chiefs before he was 
brutally murdered in cold blood on the 6th of January,1999 alongside my 
three elder brothers and a sister by the rebels of R.U.F loyal to one of the tyrants 
in my country(SIERRA LEONE).I got home from school to find that my family was 
eliminated and our entire country home and belongings razed down, fortunately my 
mother and sister managed to escape and are presently refugees in south africa under 
united nations refugee status, while I managed to escape to the Netherlands.
However, before the tragic incidents my late father deposited the sum of TWENTY EIGHT 
MILLION US DOLLARS ($28,000,000) as  family treasure and belongings  in two trunk 
boxes with a Security and finance Company here in the Netherlands.
Now, with the consent and backing of my mother as the next of kin,though I've made 
claims of the ownership of the box containing the money although the people at the 
Security Company are not aware of the actual contents of the boxes. Hence, I need a 
reliable and trustworthy person who make the claims as beneficiary of the consignments 
and importantly after the claims have been made would see to the wise investment of 
the funds on our behalf without faulting because i have been made to understand that 
as a refugee i am not permitted by the U.N LAWS to handle such transactions, and 
besides my movement is restricted as a refugee.
My mother and i are willing to give you 25% of the total sum if you will be willing to 
assist us in this matter. In addition, we have also agreed to deduct 5% after the 
transaction to cover any expenses incurred during the duration of this transaction
We are willing to entrust our share of this money into your hands if you can be honest 
and with me as you very much know that our future is hinged on this funds.
If you find it in your heart to render undying assistance to my mother, sister and I 
please get back to me promptly through my contacts above so that we can discuss the 
finer details of making this transaction safe and successful. I will equally insist 
that you make this transaction a very private and confidential matter. Upon your 
acceptance, I will make available relevant documents and information to you  with 
regards to the consignments  that will enhance the successful  and 100%risk free 
finishing of this transaction.

I am looking forward to your anticipated co-operation and reply soonest.
Kind regards,

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