David Marshall wrote:
> > and to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > besides your rude, bullshit comments, do you have anything worth wile to say
> > to back you up?!?  or are you just being a dumb-fuck and talking out of your
> > ass?
> When you and Putz post something on-topic, or bother to produce
> something which is coherently written and contains some quoted
> material if and when required, I may consider treating you as
> something other than pathetic trolls which exist in the same category
> as "can u send me booomb makin info?!?!?!?!" and "pls send me da chid
> pron!!!"
> Well, you know what they say: "On AOL, it's always September."
> So go on, Ebow0. Keep showing us all just how bad the American
> education system and AOL have both become.

Dave, man, you gotta relax.  Let 'em be.  Can't you see the LEOs on the list have 
reached critical mass and have actually begun to converse with one another?  Perhaps 
if we're lucky, one will entrap the other one on charges of curfew violation with 
intent to distribute booomb makin recipes and child pron siders.  They might even 
schedule a pre-dawn no-knock raid and blow each other away...

Here's to happy endings,

BTW, I disagree with several of you who asserted that most or all of the "send me a 
bomb recipe" messages are from LEOs.  There *has to be* a page out there somewhere 
(maybe only viewable from AOL or something) that contains words to the effect of "Do 
you want to build a pipe bomb?  Just send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for 
instructions".  Or maybe just an message in the archives containing actual bomb-making 
instructions of some sort, which the AOL kiddiez luckily find at the top of their 
search results.  Regardless, most of them come directly through toad.com, and 
filtering them out really does make the list more readable. And then there are the 
replies to Re-sent messages, which seems a likely source of the original curfew 
message, which end up coming back here because some putz just hits Reply to a message 
from his AOL buddy, and doesn't know enough to check who he's about to send email to.

There is likely some real LEO entrapment trolling going on as well.

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