From: Sonny Charles Harry 

Dear Sir, 

My name is Mr. Sonny Charles Harry, the eldest son of the late Dr. 
Marshall Harry, who until his assassination on Wednesday, March 5 2003, in 
our Abuja residence, was the South-South Coordinator of the 
Buhari/Okadigbo Presidential Campaign Committee (PCC). 

I hereby acknowledge the receipt of your mail to my mother with thanks, 
May God reward you greatly for your decision to assist us in this 
mutually beneficial transaction; it is important that I deal with you 
directly at this crucial Stage in this issue rather than the family lawyer. 
As my mother has rightly informed you, we are seriously in distress as 
all our family assets and properties have come under severe scrutiny by 
security agents as part of the probe into my father’s assassination. 

My Father was the South-South Coordinator of the Buhari/Okadigbo 
Presidential Campaign Committee (PCC) before unknown gunmen in our Family 
home assassinated him on Wednesday, March 5, 2003 at Abuja. If you have 
been following my family's profile in the news lately, you would have 
read about the assassination. I wish to inform you that my mother reached 
you based on the fact that she would really want us to establish a 
relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. 

So many people have disappointed us, especially my father’s political 
associates, that is why we had to throw caution to the wind and trust 
you a stranger who we had never met all our lives. 

Unfortunately, according to my father, by the time he got a phone call 
from somebody within their party who told him to escape our family 
home, the assassins had penetrated, killing the security guard on duty. 
This was really unfortunate because my Dad had planned to come back to 
Port Harcourt that evening, but only missed his flight, only to face a 
gruesome death. A few minutes before my father was assassinated, he called 
me on my Mobile Telephone and told me that he had some trunks in our 
family home in the village that I should move them to safety immediately, 
in the event of his death because by then the assassins were trying to 
break down the door to his bedroom, I was thrilled because I was 
hearing the banging on the door and there was nothing I could do that to take 
my father’s very last instructions. A memory of which that will live 
with me forever. 

The following morning, I traveled to the village and accessed his inner 
rooms and discovered five trunks full of money, all totaling to Twenty 
Three Million, Four Hundred United States Dollars only ($23.40M). 

Dear Friend, as much as we recognize that a lot of wonders happen these 
days, you do not have to doubt the authenticity of my mothers mail to 
you, because we are really oppressed, and we need the assistance of a 
God fearing person and a good natured man to help us clear our funds from 
a security company, and bank it up for us while we make arrangements to 
travel and join you up as soon as the shipment is effected. For your 
assistance, we will be ready to allow you have 20% of the entire funds, 
while 5% will be set aside to off set all minor and major expenses that 
might be incurred by both parties at the end of the transaction. The 
remaining 75% will be left for my family to continue our lives. 

For security purposes, I shall be coordinating the Business transaction 
as my mother is currently in distress and we cannot afford to lose this 
only outstanding treasure, of all that my father left for us. At the 
moment, the funds are in a security company, where I deposited them as 
containing photographic materials in some luggage. As soon as we are sure 
that we can trust you, we shall go ahead to send you the Certificate of 
deposit and the luggage numbers and security code numbers. 

For the purpose of security and confidentiality, I would require that 
you and I proceed with this business with telephone and fax 
communication, as I would not want to discuss this transaction on The Internet for 
security reasons. 

So I would suggest that we conduct this business through telephone and 
fax communication, while my mother will be reaching you via e-mail as 
security agents bug her telephone line often. As, as soon as I hear 
from, I shall furnish you with the whole details of how to finalize the 
transaction and other information you might require or other things you 
might need to know and also you should be rest assured that this 
transaction is 100% risk free and success guaranteed. 

I await your prompt response. 


Charle con sus amigos online usando CHAT 123

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