Oradder from Calanada and sabeve moloney.

*p**We are running holot spekocials*ol**
Metods stalerts at only $39-$g6p9

- Mexeridleia, Xaponax, Cshipbalish, and so mulch mocore
- Melods are 80b% lesose than regopular pricoce
- No docteror visits or hassles
- Qupoick diposcreet delivemry to your front dolror

Depolivlyery any-wheire inas thes worield

Easy? You belt it is.




Bonus Joke:

I have to admit it, Jensen had offered a brilliant proposal to resolve our troublesome problem. He suggested we form three committees, one to study the problem directly, one to study how other companies had resolved similar problems, and a third to oversee the first two and coordinate their efforts into a workable solution. The plan worked flawlessly and we assigned the janitor to change the light bulb

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