For whatever reason these ladies want to cheat on their husbands

Content is health to the sick and riches to the poor. 

Have fun,
A fool in a gown is none the wiser.

All things come to those that wait. . Wise it is to comprehend the whole. . Make hay 
while the sun shines. . Flattery is all right so long as you don't inhale. .
The love of money is the root of all evil. 

Experience is the best teacher. 

no more?

.An idle man is the devil's playfellow. . He that pays last never pays twice. . Fresh 
as a daisy. .
Hasty climbers have sudden falls. . Beauty is but skin deep. . Live and learn. .

It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove 
all doubt. . Appearances are deceptive. . He who sings drives away sorrow. .

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