Title: Message
Dear Cypherpunks
We sell targeted Sales Leads of customers who have been looking to purchase your products. My company is a Lead and Data compiling source which caters to almost every kind of lead imaginable.
Some of our leads include:
  • Targeted Email Lists By Geographical Area, SIC Code, Consumer Type and/or product of interest
  • Full record sales leads by SIC Code, Industry type or product. (Includes: Company, Contact, Title, Employees, Address, City, State, Zip, Fax, Phone and Email Address
  • Fax Number lists by SIC Code
  • Specialized leads: Mortgage, Long Distance, Debt Consolidation, Credit Repair, MLM, Home Buisness, BizOp, etc.
Please call us to discuss our inventory and to see if we can help you...
Thomas J. Jackson
Florida Office:

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