In order to transfer out (US$ 90 Million) Ninty
million United States Dollars) from African
Development Bank.I have picked-up the trust and
courage to write you this letter with devine
confidence that you are a reliable and honest person
who will be capable for this important business
transaction believing also that you will never let me
down either now or in the future.
My name is MR.EDMOND SONO, a senior Auditing
Officer with the African Development bank (ADB)in
South Africa. There is an account opened in this bank
in 1980 and since 1990 nobody has operated on this
account again. After going through some old files in
the records, I discovered that if I do not remit this
money out urgently it would be
forfeited for nothing. The owner of this account is
Mr. Fernando Carlos, a foreigner, he was a miner at
Kruger gold company, a geologist by profession, and he
died since 1990. No other person knows about this
account or any thing concerning it, the account has no
other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as
well that this company does not know anything about
this account and the amount involved is (US$90
million)Ninty million United States Dollars. I want
to first transfer (US$45 Million) Forty Five million
states Dollars from this money into a safe foreigners
account abroad before the rest. I am contacting you
based on the fact that you are a foreigner because
this money can only be approved for payment to a
foreigner, more so it can not be approved by any local
bank here, as this money is in US Dollars hence the
former owner of this account is a foreigner too. I
know that this proposal will come to you as a surprise
as we don't know ourselves before, however i got your
contact from your Embassy's Commercial Attaché I was
meant to understand that your race are trustworthy
however I did not
disclose the purpose of my intention to anybody in
the Embassy.Although we will still have
to meet possibly, sign some agreement before the final
transfer of the fund into any of your chosen
designated bank account.

I have involved a very senior offical in the
operational department and we have agreed that after
the transfer of the money into your account, you shall
be entitled to 25% of the total sum, we the officials
will take 70 while 5% is for expenses.
All necessary precautions have been taken to ensure a
risk free situation on the side of the both parties.
Please note that this deal can only take place on the
following conditions:- will provide the bank account and other
relevant particulars/information for easy and onward
Remittance of this money.
2.absolute confidentiality and sincerity will be
required and guaranteed, considering our (me and my
partners) positions in the bank.
3.Assurance that our own due share will be
released to us in good faith when this money finally
gets into your account. This transaction will last for
some days as soon as we hear from you.

Please treat with utmost confidentiality. 
Contact me as quickly as possible through my e-mail
box or above telefax.
Expecting your urgent response,
Best Regards,
Yours faithfully,

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