This E-mail may come  to you as a surprise but it was out of
my sincere desire to share a mutual business relationship with you.
I am a solicitor by name LESLIE MABUZO, a personal lawyer to the
KABILA family and consequently represent their interest with  respect
to their monetary affairs. The family has $
(Twenty Million United State Dollars) currently in a security company vault, 
this huge sum of money is in a coded form.The present president of The
Democratic Republic of Congo JOSEPH KABILA intends to use this money
for investment purposes without the consent of any foreign body outside the family.
To come staight to the point, this money has been moved from Congo through
Switzerland to Amsterdam The Netherlands, and the Kabila's need you as a reliable
investor that could be trusted with the PIN and CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT to enable
us use the funds outside The Democratic of Congo. After lots of deliberation and
consideration I as the family lawyer with the authority invested in me to immediately
work on ways and means of transferring this sum of money to a reliable and trust worthy
foreign partner that will be able to help and assist us secure the funds in a suitable 
Moreover, the personal identification Number/ Certificate of Deposit and The Letter of 
from my Law firm that will facilitate transfer of the funds is in my possession. Since 
no name
was used in securing the funds in the vault, your name will be passed and tagged on 
the consignment
of funds as the  beneficiary.The family have reached an agreement with me that 25% of 
the total sum
of the funds will be for your assistance towards this transaction.5% for eventual 
expences that might
be incurred on the course of this transaction if any, and 70% will be invested by you 
in a viable business
for the family.I am presently in The Netherlands for the execution of this proposal 
and if the proposal is
acceptable to you please call me on this number +31-622-575-901.Email me your response 
your telephone and fax number, for immediate commencement of this transaction.
Finally, I wish to assure you that this transaction will not attract any risk on your 
behalf. Your response
is required in other to speed up the process.
Thanks in advance.
LESLIE MABUZO, Esq, [Barrister]  

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