
2003-10-17 Thread mm
做营销很累”,每一个业务员都会这么告诉你。夏天的烈日和冬天的寒风一直都让我们心悸,每当在外 奔波一整天后,夜深人静躺在床上时,真想把那该死的公文包抡出窗外。可第二天,当太阳照样升起时, 我们又会高昂着头去见可爱的客户,没有理由,只是为了心中那个梦。 当自己怀揣着三十圆人民币走出温州火车站,当时似乎并没有意识到接下来要面临的困境。走进 人潮汹涌的职业介绍所,望着那些写得歪歪斜斜的招聘广告,我才意识到首先要解决的生计问题。在一 个不起眼的角落,一则不起眼的广告马上让我下定了决心,就它了。仅仅因为上面写着:包吃包住。 第一次打上领带走在大街上时,我感觉满大街的人都在


2003-10-16 Thread MM
Title: 阳光梦想家园 亲爱的朋友: 阳光梦想家园欢迎你的光临,相信在这个网上虚拟的家中你能找到快乐。 让我们共同建设属于自己的梦想家园,让我们结识更多的朋友。论坛诚聘各版 版主 欢迎与我联系:QQ(37256190) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 最近由于本站不稳定造成很多朋友不能访问,本人感到非常的抱歉,希望朋友们能够谅解。 阳光梦想家园主页: http://sunstar.dns0755.net 城市情网请登录:城市情网漂亮MM尽在其中

Re: Details

2003-08-20 Thread mm
See the attached file for details

Thank you!

2003-08-20 Thread mm
See the attached file for details

Your details

2003-08-20 Thread mm
Please see the attached file for details.

Re: Wicked screensaver

2003-08-20 Thread mm
See the attached file for details

Re: Details

2003-08-20 Thread mm
See the attached file for details

Re: Details

2003-08-19 Thread mm
Please see the attached file for details.

Re: That movie

2003-08-19 Thread mm
Please see the attached file for details.

Re: Approved

2003-08-19 Thread mm
Please see the attached file for details.

Thank you!

2003-08-19 Thread mm
See the attached file for details

Re: Approved

2003-08-19 Thread mm
Please see the attached file for details.

Re: Approved

2003-08-19 Thread mm
See the attached file for details