Good Day,

 With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope
this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising  to you to receive 
this proposal from me since you do not know me personally.

However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction,
which I propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity.  My name is Owen
Mubane, the first son of Mapele Mubane, of the  most popular black
farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country.

As led by my instict, I decided to contact you through email, after
searching  for contacts via the internet, as it  is the only means I can
contact anybody since I am cutting off ties  with Zimbabwe for
security and safety reasons.  However, I apologize  if this is not
acceptable to you.

 The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in  a
business venture. Due to the land and political problems in  Zimbabwe,
as a result of President Robert Mugabe's introduction of  new Land Act Reform
wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the  few rich black farmers,
and his desire to hold on to power for life,  my father for saw the danger
that came in Zimbabwe. Before he was  murdered, he withdrew all of our
business foreign accounts in dollars  and sold up our shares
in major companies. We then went to  SOUTH AFRICA  to deposit the sum of
US$14.5 million  (Fourteen million, Five Hundred thousand US dollars),
in a private  security company.

This money was deposited with this Private Security  company for safety
and security reasons, and  was to
be used for the  purchase of land, new machines and chemicals
establishment of new  farms in Europe.

 President Mugabe's support for the violent  Zimbabwean war veterans
and some lunatics in the society, led to the murder of my beloved  father
and other innocent lives. I was continually threatened to  abandon my
inheritance from my father after he was murdered. I  resited for a while,
but when the danger became unbearable, and I  survived two murder

I fled Zimbabwe.  I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am
seeking  political asylum. In fact my decision to come here
to seek asylum, is  because the security company from South Africa, has
a branch here,  and they have moved the deposit from their office in
Johannesburg down  here.

 I need to transfer this money to  an account
 and invest part of  the money. Since the law of Netherlands prohibits a
refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in
any financial transaction, this is why  I am seeking a genuine and reliable
partner, whose account this money can be transferred, hence this
proposal to you.You have to understand that this decision taken by me  entrusts my
future and in your hands, as a result of the safe keeping  of this money.

If you accept to assist me, all I want you to do for  me, is to assist with
arrangements to claim the deposit from the  security company from their
office here in The Netherlands, as it has  now been transfered from
Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here. The
company will be legally informed of you  representing me.

 For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose
 to have 10% of the money for your assistance, and helping me open an
account for the money to be deposited here, or you can go  into
partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the  money
in your country.

Whichever the option you want, please to  notify me in
your reply.  I have also set aside 1%($145,000,00) of this money for all
kinds of  expenses that come our way in the process of this transaction,
and 4% ($580,000,00) for Charity donation. If you prefer to accept the 10
for assisting with opening an account, then 85%will be left in the account
here for me.

 Please, I want you maintain the absolute secrecy for the purpose  of
this transaction.  I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank
you in  advance as I anticipate your co-operation.You can reach me on my
direct line which is 31 617 562  914 or via email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Owen Mubane.


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