Dear Friend,               
I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent and profitable business proposal, 
though I don't know you neither have I seen you before but my confidence was reposed 
on you after reading through your profile over the Internet.

I am a Branch Manager in one of a highly rated Banks in Nigeria with administrative 
office in Lagos State.

The intended business is thus; we had a customer, a Foreigner (a Turkish) resident in 
Nigeria, he was a Contractor with one of the Government Parastatals. He has in his 
Account in my branch the sum of US 12 Million (Twelve Million U.S. Dollars).
Unfortunately, the man died four years ago until today non-of his next of kin has come 
forward for the claims despite several spirited efforts made to locate his relatives, 
which proved abortive. Having noticed this, I in collaboration with two other top 
Officials of the bank we decided to cover up the account all this while in other to 
avoid the bank declaring it as a windfall.   Now we want you (being a foreigner) to 
front for us as one of his next of kin and forward your account and other relevant 
documents to be advised to you by us to attest to the Claim. 

We will use our positions to get all internal documentation's to back up the claims 
.The whole procedures will last only ten working days to get the fund retrieved 
successfully without trace even in future.
Your response is only what we are waiting for as we have arranged all necessary things 
and equally know what to do.

 As soon as this message comes to you kindly get back to me indicating your interest, 
then I will furnish you with the whole procedures to ensure that the deal is 
successfully concluded. Please, send your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your 
confidential phone and fax numbers for a one on one conversation for a better 

We can discuss on the Percentage sharing pattern as soon as we really understand each 
other very well.
I await your earliest response.  

Yours Sincerely


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