

A copy of this Newsletter is indexed at:


   dot.GOD network information centre and domain name registry 
   Newsletter January 24th, 2002
   1. Domain Owner Agreements
   2. Our Position on ICANN
   3. .GOD intellectual property rights defended
   4. a new TLD a new experiment

   1) Domain Owner Agreements: 

   The Domain Owner Agreements are ready. You can review a copy of the
   licensing agreement by visiting:
   .GOD and .SATAN domain owners should proceed to visit the Bill
   Payment Centre at:
   Our Bill Payment Centre will assist you in generating the invoice
   and agreements for all of your .GOD and .SATAN domains. You will be
   required to file one signed agreement per domain name. Please fill
   in the forms and follow the instructions provided.

   If you have lost your password please visit the following URL's to
   arrange to pickup a listing of your domain names and passwords.

   For .GOD domain owners please visit:
   For .SATAN domain owners please visit:
   Domain agreements and payments must be filed with the registry by
   February 28, 2002. The dot.GOD Registry, Limited accepts payments
   in the form of checks or International Money Orders drawn on an
   American or Canadian bank. We also accept VISA and MasterCard
   through our reseller FAXCASH/National Debit Corporation.

   2) Our Position on ICANN:

   ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) was
   established by the U.S. Department of Commerce to transfer the
   delegation of Internet names, addresses and numbers to the Internet
   Community. Unfortunately like most well meaning government
   initiatives ICANN has failed to meet its mandate. ICANN refuses to
   acknowledge the needs of the Internet Community and has instead
   opted to serve a select group of corporate masters and government
   interests such as AT&T, ITU (International Telecommunication
   Union), IBM, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization),
   VeriSign etc.

   To this end ICANN has intentionally blocked the introduction of
   existing top level domains into the U.S. domain name system. Many
   participants in the top level domain industry have claimed ICANN is
   creating a false scarcity to ensure the continued popularity of the
   .com universe. In some cases ICANN has duplicated existing
   infrastructure and encouraged collision across root systems. This
   has resulted in fraud being perpetrated on Internet users who are
   buying infrastructure that does not exist.

   The dot.GOD Registry, Limited recently assisted a consumer
   protection agency of the United States Government in exposing over
   $80,000 USD in fraud perpetrated against U.S. citizens. The
   investigation continues. And that's not the end of it. We've had
   calls from bankers investigating credit card fraud. Consumers
   concerned about their purchases of domain names. Have they
   purchased valid domains? There's even a September 11th story where
   another fraud artist is selling domains that will never be
   recognized in any expanded root systems. He uses spam, tragedy and
   patriotism as a means of getting a sale.

   ICANN is now attempting to dump those directors who are independent
   representatives of the Internet Community. Soon ICANN will no
   longer be accountable to our domain owners through the ICANN@Large
   membership process. It is ICANN's intention to wind up the
   ICANN@Large membership. This is the only official ICANN body that
   allows our domain owners direct representation on the ICANN board
   through the election of @Large representatives.

   A number of the @Large directors have attempted to organize against
   this action to close the @Large. They have asked ICANN to provide
   them with access to the membership they represent. ICANN has
   responded to these requests by refusing access.

   There is more bad news on ICANN affecting a number of issues that
   concern us. But good news is always better then bad news. And the
   good news is that ICANN is irrelevant to the technical operation of
   the Internet. The problem is that most Internet users and Service
   Providers have no idea they have a choice to dump ICANN and in many
   cases an opportunity to participate in expanding Internet
   infrastructure. The solution here is education.

   And this process has started. In the year 2000 ICANN held a 95%
   market share in Internet name to address resolution. That means
   that approximately 95% of Internet users in 2000 were navigating
   the net using the ICANN/DOC root servers. Today ICANN's market
   share has dropped to 70%. That's significant and represents a lack
   of faith in the United States Government and it's promises to the
   Internet community.

   Today new root providers are popping up everywhere. China has it's
   own local root system. They abandoned ICANN back in January of
   2001. A number of commercial providers appeared later in the year
   further eroding ICANN's existing share of the root system.

   In order to protect ourselves during this period of transition we
   have initiated the following actions:

   a) We have positioned ourselves in the marketplace by joining the
      Top Level Domain Association, which represents a number of top 
      level domain operators outside the ICANN process.

   b) We appointed a Barrister Mr. Len Lindon to protect our
      intellectual property rights.

   c) We are initiating a marketing campaign this year oriented toward
      user and ISP awareness and education.

   d) We have abandoned the ICANN process and have given notice to the
      Commerce Secretary. See the following URL for our letter to
      Secretary Evans.
   If you want to help us send us an email and we'll follow up with
   you with some suggestions. If you have an active domain in .GOD or
   .SATAN advertise it. Let people know we exist.

   You can also help in the fight to reform ICANN. If you are an
   ICANN@Large member then contact your director. Tell them you're an
   @Large member and ask them to keep you informed. Please only
   contact the director for your region.

Region / Director         URL                                      
  Nii Narku Quaynor       http://www.icann.org/biog/quaynor.htm

  Masanobu Katoh          http://www.mkatoh.net/about/longbio.html

  Andy Müller-Maguhn      http://www.ccc.de/%7Eandy/

Latin America Caribbean
  Ivan Moura Campos       http://www.icann.org/biog/campos.htm

North America
  Karl Auerbach           http://www.cavebear.com/cavebear/karl.html

   3) .GOD intellectual property rights defended:

   On January 7th, 2001 a Thomas Goolnick contacted the registry. He
   represented himself as the Marketing Director for TBS Industries
   Ltd. a United Kingdom corporation. Mr. Goolnick expressed an
   interest in purchasing a large quantity of .GOD domain names for UK
   Marketing. We advised Mr. Goolnick that we were not interested in
   UK representation. At the time the registry was still in Beta.

   Seven months later the registry was advised that someone in the
   United Kingdom was bulk emailing addresses harvested from
   newsgroups and web sites as part of a marketing effort to sell
   second level domains in .GOD.

   The registry investigated TLD Networks, a company registered in the
   Channel Islands which claimed exclusive rights to .GOD. We were
   able to trace this company to Mr. Goolnick and TBS Industries Ltd.

   Under the UK Patent Act we had the option of proceeding by means of
   criminal or civil action. We decided to instruct our Barrister to
   proceed by means of a criminal action. We felt we had sufficient
   proof that TBS Industries Ltd. and TLD Networks intentionally
   infringed on our intellectual property rights and as such felt a
   criminal action was appropriate under the circumstances.

   Just prior to filing the application we were contacted by TLD
   Networks lawyer who advised that they had discontinued selling .GOD
   domains. We are satisfied that TLD Networks is no longer infringing
   on our intellectual property rights and have abandoned our criminal
   action against them.

   A press release concerning this issue is indexed at:
   Please let us know if you find anyone infringing on our
   intellectual property in .GOD or .SATAN.

   4) a new TLD a new experiment:
   We have another experiment we would like our domain owners to
   participate in. This is not a BETA or technical experiment. It is a
   social experiment which will hopefully assist us in determine the
   best means of transferring a registry to it's domain owners. If you
   visit our Domain Owner Agreement at the following URL:
   You will notice that the intellectual property rights holder in
   .GOD and .SATAN intends to transfer the registry to it's domain
   owners after one million domains are paid and registered. It is our
   position that a registry should ultimately be operated by those who
   it serves.

   Section 11.0 Subsection 2; The Licensor must transfer its
   intellectual property rights in the "INSERT GOD OR SATAN TLD HERE"
   Top Level Domain to the second level domain owners in that top
   level domain when total paid registrations in the TLD exceed one
   million domain names.

   You'll notice this part of the agreement says nothing about how it
   will happen. Frankly we have no idea nor is it our intention to
   impose a procedure on our domain owners.

   Instead we propose establishing a free TLD using our resources.
   Control of this TLD shall be immediately offered to it's registered
   domain owners. We will assist in setting up a virtual meeting place
   where those domain owners can organize. And we'll watch and see
   what happens.

   So far we have learned a lot from you our domain owners. The
   majority of you like your privacy. Something not available in most
   registries these days. But the domain name community heard the
   message. So were looking forward to providing this TLD facility and
   just seeing what happens and how people in cyberspace organize.

   If your interested send us some suggestions for a TLD name. Try not
   to duplicate existing namespace. You can use the tools available on
   our resource pages to find out if your suggestion is available. The
   Top Level Domain Finders are at the following URL:
   The dot.GOD Registry, Limited
    Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002 The dot.GOD Registry All Rights Reserved.

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