Dear Sir/Madam

My name is MR ADEBAYO BELLO I am one of the senior managers in the Bank. I work
for (Zenith International Bank Nigeria PLC). And I work under the (Director of
Current Account Dept.). I am contacting you presently because I need your
urgent assistance in a business transaction that will be of immense benefit to
both of us. I have the immediate need to claim money that have long been
declared unclaimed by the chairman and some members of the board of directors
of our bank.

The money is the closing balance of one of our customer. Late Engr.Temcoson
Brown,an American citizen was a contractor with the federal  govt of nigeria I
was his personal account officer in the ADC plane crash of 1996 in Nigeria He
supplied and installed equipment and his company creek contractors completed
some of the best construction contract in the country.

His closing balance in the bank,at the time of his death stood at (US$19.5M)
and has been tagged unclaimed because no relative of Eng. Temcoson Brown has
COMe forward to make any acclaim. All efforts to contact the relative have not
been fruitful in the past four years. We have no knowledge of his next of kin.
At this point. I trust you can picture what the situation is like. My
colleagues and my self have made several attempts at locating person that could
be remotely related to Egn. Temcoson Brown and we have been doing this for
about four year (4yrs) now. I am almost alone in this enterprise as the account
is forgotten entirely.

I have therefore presently decided to solicit your assistance to act as the
next of kin of Engr Temcoson Brown and I will be very grateful if you will be
willing to help in this regard. My colleagues and I will therefore alter the
original forms completed by Eng.Temcoson brown to riflect your name or any name
you want us to use for the claim. We will provide you with answer to security
question, which you will have to anwser There will be no need for you to appear
here in Nigeria if you follow my instructions closely.

Everything should be concluded on telephone and fax between you and the bank of
you participate you will be commensurately compensated. We will discuss among
other primary details. I make this proposal in trust and good faith, therefore
if you are interested and your agree to assist me then contact me immediately
you receive this E-mail, there is a lot more to talk about. If you are not
interested. Then please, do get rid of this E-mail and please forgive me if
this message has upset you in anyway.

Thanks you and Best Regards


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