Dear Friend ,

Please let this mail not get to you as a surprise, it
is in my sincere search for help that I decided to
contact you. My name isJAMES COKER , I am the the
son to late JONAS COKER, the then leader of the
unita rebels in Angola, who was killed by the Angolan
Government troops on Saturday, 23/02/2002 in Angola.
Before my father died, he gave me a certificate of
deposit which he used in depositing the sum of
US$50Million,with a security company in Europe.

Presently, the Government has placed us under house
arrest and has cut all telephone lines to our house
making it impossible for us to have telephone contact
with the outside world. But I managed to gain access
to the internet in order to make contact with you, to
seek your assistance of helping us go to Europe
and withdraw out the funds in their custody in Europe.
You are to receive the funds on our behalf
and assist us invest the fund in any profitable
business venture.

I decided to take this decision in consideration of
the security situation in Angola now, I have
considered it unsafe to remain here and now want to
move my family out immediately into your county, to
prevent the present government from discovering this
Deposit, as this is the only thing that my late FATHER
left for us.

>From the information my late father revealed to me
before his death, this money was packed and sealed in two Trunk
Boxes and was declared to the Security Company as
family treasures, as such, the Security Company does
not know that the Trunk Boxes Contains money. Please
should our problem touch your heart, do not hesitate
to email me, to enable me give you more details .
All I need is your sincerity and understanding to invest the money on 
our behalf.I have resolved to give you 15% of the total amount for your 
assistant,including 15% from all the proceeds which this funds will generate from 
investment in future.

Please promise me that you shall not use the
advantage of our situation to cheat us out of our only
means of survival and please keep this information
very secret. l also believe that you will assist us in relocating to 
your country.
Sincere regards,

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