Dear Merciful ,

My name MARIE DISREA MPORA . I am from Liberia. I was
staying with my father at Korhogo – Cote d’Ivoire
where I attended secondary school until I passed out.
Few months ago I got admission into the University to
read economics. I then had to travel to my country
Liberia to get my father informed because of how
urgent the offer was. The admission offer came as my
father travelled down to my country to get some issues

As I got home, my father then arranged for us to go
to a suburb area of my country market where goods are
sold at cheaper prices to fetch some items for me to
get set to go to school. Little did we know of the
danger lying ahead of us on that day. Few minutes, we
arrived the market, that some Islamic militants (a
religious fanatic group) stormed the market and opened
a machine gun fire on the people thereby killing and
causing heavy casualties in the market.
Unfortunately, my father and my mother were shot dead
in that instance. At the same time leaving myself
badly injured as my left leg was totally condemned by
the machine gun bullets. I was also badly affected on
my left hand side breast which have almost left me
maimed for life.

Right now, a pastor friend to my late father Rev. Dr.
Alfaman of Grace Evangel church took me to specialist
hospital here in Cocody – Abidjan. The medical
officer in charge of the specialist hospital have
mandated that I be flown abroad for treatment. He said
if I am flown abroad that I stand the chance of
surviving but if not that my leg could be amputated. I
have refused that my leg should be amputated.

However, I don’t have money for this. I love life and
I don’t want to die now. Since my life I have never
begged but now circumstance has forces me to do it. I
therefore appeal and ask in the name of Jesus Christ
let somebody please kindly assist me financially. I
desperately need all kinds of help out of this mess. I
know and believe that our Jehovah God is able to
deliver me from the shackles of Satan. I cannot walk
now but my pastor and wife are assisting me as they
have stood by me ever since the occurrence. What I
need most is your prayers for Gods effectual healing.
Pray for me Judith of all people that God should
restore my soul as the (Bible) puts it that the
prayers of the saints availeth much. And moreover any
amount it is, kindly and mercifully send across to me
and my God Jehovah Jared will richly reward you in
diverse ways. Any money sent to me through my email or
my pastors’ email via Western Union will be received.

May God Almighty help you as you should help me Amen.

Thank you and God bless you.

Yours sister

NB: The doctor was not specific of the amount needed
for the treatment abroad. But we has maintained that
if we can raise part of the total amount needed that
he would assist me. He said therefore that if I can
raise up to (USD5,000) five Thousand United Stated
Dollars that he would see what he would do about it.
I therefore plead that as you help me out God will
never let you be in my condition. Amen

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