INTRODUCTION: l am Mr. PATRICK UZOH a Civil Servant in
the Ministry of Health. l know this proposal will
come to you as a surprise because we have not met
before either physically or through correspondence. I
got your contact from our chamber of commerce here in
Nigeria and have no doubt in your ability to handle
this proposal involving huge sum of money.
THE SUBJECT: My father CHIEF  Nduka UZOH(Now Late)
was the Royal Head of my community, ELEME (an oil
rich town) in Nigeria. My community produces 5.8% of
the total crude oil production in Nigeria and 0.5% of
the Dollar value of each barrel is paid to my father
as royalty by the Federal Government. My father was
also the Chairman of ELEME Special Oil Trust Fund. In
his position as the Royal head and Chairman of the Oil
Trust Fund, he made some money which he left for me as
the only heir to inherit.The money is Twenty Five
Million Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars($25.5m).
This Money originated from the accumulated royalties
between 1976-1998 . Due to poor banking system in
Nigeria and political instability as a result of past
Military rules (1985-1999) , he deposited this Money
in a Strong Room/"VAULTS" with an open beneficiary in
a security company pending when he would finish
arrangement to transfer it abroad . He was planning
this when he died late last year of Heart Attack. 

THE PROPOSAL: Just before my father died he called my
attention to the money and charged me to look for a
foreigner who would assist me in the transfer /
investment of the funds abroad. So l would be very
grateful if you could accept to help me achieve this
great objective. I promise to give you 20% of the
total funds transferred to your vital bank account as
compensation for your assistance. Five percent
(5%)would be set aside to take care of all expenses we
may incure during the transaction. To indicate your
interest, contact me urgently and confidentially for
more information and the roles you will play in this

All the legal Documents concerning this
Money will be sent to you as soon as we agreed
together. Send your reply through this box please.
May the almighty God bless you.  

Yours faithfully 


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