Dear Sir,

My name is REGINALD DONALD from Liberia. My cousin was a top officer in the former 
Government of Charles Taylor. Before the beginning war in Liberia my cousin gave me 
$8,500,000.00 (Eight Million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars)to keep for 

I managed to move the box containing the money out of Liberia through diplomatic 
immunity to a Security company in Spain and the box is been deposited as  family 
treasure/telegraphic materials.  

I want to move the money to your country for safety reasons.

Be rest assured that this transaction is risk free as no person is aware of this money.

My cousin has mandated me to compensate you with 25% of the total sum,if you can 
assist me in this regard.

Expecting your urgent reply via [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED] or contact the 
manager operations of the Pacific security company at madrid Spain,Attn:Mr.GEORGE 
SANCHES on +34 600 72 1415.Email Address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yours Faithfully,

Donald Reginald. 

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