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A new teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started
her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!" After a
few seconds, Little Johnny stood up.The teacher said, "Do you think you're
stupid, Little Johnny?""No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all
by yourself!"กก
The wedding date was set and the groom's three pals, a carpenter, an
electrician, and a dentist, were deciding what pranks to play on the couple
on their wedding night.The carpenter decided that he would saw the slats off
their bed. The electrician figured that wiring the bed with alternating
current would give them a few chuckles. The dentist would not tell the
others what he had done, and wore a sly grin, simply suggesting that his gag
would be a memorable one. The wedding and reception went as planned. A few
days later, each of the groom's three friends received a letter which read
as follows. Dear friends, We didn't mind the bed slats being sawed. The
electric shock was only a minor setback. But, I swear to God Almighty, I'm
going to kill the idiot who put Novocain in the K-Y Jelly.
caneca0cholgua58entretenido,ardite acanalar. 

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