I apologize for this incursion and hope you don't mind me dropping you an email 
just to see if you might be interested having some search engine ranking work 
done on your site.  We specialize in web design and web marketing that ranks #1 
on Google, Yahoo, MSN and many others. I would be happy to send you references 
if you wish.

Thank you,

Chris S.

We get your email by browsing the web to find websites and businesses that 
could benefit from our web design and optimization services. We send only one 
email and we do not sell your email address. Your email address is only 
databased to ensure
that we do not send you another email. You may reply to this email with 
"REMOVE" in the subject line and we will never e-mail you again.  This option 
is in accordance with federal antispam law.

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