----- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 20:14:52 -0400
To: Ip Ip <ip@v2.listbox.com>
Subject: [IP] gov't to "anonymously" sharing cyberthreat data?
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From: Bradley Malin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 26, 2005 7:30:29 PM EDT
Subject: gov't to "anonymously" sharing cyberthreat data?

Prof Dave - looks like UPenn is the facilitator.



New Cybersecurity Center To Warn Law Enforcement Of Critical  
Infrastructure Attacks   Aug. 24, 2005

Several businesses and organizations are testing a new process for  
anonymously sharing cyberthreat and attack data with their peers and  
government agencies without being subject to law-enforcement audits.
By Larry Greenemeier

With about 85% of the nation's critical infrastructure--energy  
utilities, manufacturing and transportation facilities,  
telecommunication and data networks, and financial services--in the  
private sector, it's no wonder there have been so many attempts to  
create services that keep these companies apprised of threats to  
their IT networks. But there's a problem: Most companies aren't eager  
to share their adventures in cybersecurity with each other or the  

Keeping this in mind, several Philadelphia-area businesses and  
organizations are testing out a new model called the Cyber Incident  
Detection & Data Analysis Center, or CIDDAC, which lets private- 
sector entities anonymously share cyberthreat and attack data with  
their peers and government agencies such as the Homeland Security  
Department and the FBI without that data being subject to law- 
enforcement audits.

CIDDAC arose out of the deficiencies in the different organizations  
already working on cybersecurity, says Brad Rawling, a CIDDAC board  
member. A major sticking point that has hindered other attempts to  
create cyberattack-reporting infrastructures is the concern by  
businesses and other organizations that their proprietary information  
will be made public. Once information about a company's inner  
workings and security issues is documented by the government, that  
proprietary information may become fair game for Freedom Of  
Information Act requests by the press and public. CIDDAC circumvents  
this sticky situation because it's not a government entity and it  
doesn't provide specific information to members or law enforcement  
about the identity of the organization reporting a cyberattack.

Participation in CIDDAC is voluntary. Since its April debut, the  
effort has been funded with about $100,000 in contributions from  
members, as well as $200,000 from the Homeland Security Department's  
Science and Technology Directorate. CIDDAC is searching for an  
additional $400,000 in funding to move it from the pilot stage to a  
point where data can be collected and shared and the program can  
sustain itself. Membership will cost $10,000 per year and will  
include one sensor, a year of monitoring service, and access to  
CIDDAC reports.

CIDDAC's services are expected to be fully functional by the end of  
the year. The organization is piloting its sensor technology and  
reporting system at test locations in Philadelphia, southern New  
Jersey, and North Carolina. The next phase of testing, as CIDDAC  
receives production models of its network sensors over the next month  
and a half, will include as many as 10 large companies and  
institutions that have volunteered to participate and to whom CIDDAC  
has promised anonymity.

The University of Pennsylvania has donated lab space, E-mail listserv  
services, and Internet access via its Institute of Strategy Threat  
Analysis and Response for the CIDDAC's pilot phase, although the  
initiative may have to look elsewhere for a permanent home.

A company called AdminForce Remote LLC has developed the underlying  
real-time cyberattack-detection sensor technology that CIDDAC uses to  
gather information from its members' networks, and AdminForce  
chairman and CEO Charles Fleming serves as CIDDAC's executive  
director. Board members include Liberty Bell Bank chief technology  
officer Brian Schaeffer, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia  
directory of information security Keith Morales, Air Products and  
Chemicals Inc. computer crime investigator Lance Hawk, and Kema Inc.  
senior principal consultant Scott Mix. FBI special agent John Chesson  
and Homeland Security Department director of privacy technology Peter  
Sand have served as advisers to the CIDDAC effort.

As envisioned, a CIDDAC member connects AdminForce's sensors within  
their corporate network. If an intruder attempts to hack or penetrate  
the system, this intrusion-monitoring device sends a message to law  
enforcement and to other CIDDAC participants but protects the  
identity of the reporting entity. CIDDAC's plan is to provide members  
with trend-analysis information about specific intrusion activity  
that they can use to assess risks to their own networks.

CIDDAC's arrival is timely. This year's FBI Computer Security  
Institute computer crime and security survey results, based on the  
responses of 700 computer security practitioners in U.S. companies,  
government agencies, financial institutions, medical institutions,  
and universities, indicates that the percentage of organizations  
reporting computer intrusions to law enforcement continues to  
decline. Only 20% of organizations reported cyberattacks to law  
enforcement, while only 12% reported such attacks to legal counsel.  
The key reason cited for not reporting intrusions to law enforcement  
is the concern for negative publicity.

FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged this reluctance that  
organizations have to air their dirty cyber laundry in public, thus  
hurting their image and giving rivals an edge. Mueller made these  
comments earlier this month at a conference hosted by InfraGard, an  
FBI program begun in 1996 in Cleveland as a local effort to gain  
support from the IT industry and academia for the FBI's cybersecurity  
investigative efforts. The program expanded nationally through the  
late 1990s.

At the conference, Mueller likened a malicious command sent over a  
network to harm a power station's control computer to being as deadly  
as a backpack full of explosives.

The FBI is expected to receive CIDDAC-generated law-enforcement  
incident reports when different criminal thresholds are exceeded.  
Homeland Security is likewise expected to be a consumer of CIDDAC  
reports. The FBI will use CIDDAC incident reports to initiate  
preliminary investigations to determine the magnitude of the  
cyberthreat, Rawling says. Such reports could be used as a basis to  
justify opening a criminal or intelligence case, for example, but are  
not expected to be used as evidence to be presented in a court of  
law. "The FBI must use the tools they have to build a case without  
revealing the identity of the source," Rawling adds.

CIDDAC is by no means the only organization established to provide  
business-technology managers with information about cyberthreats. The  
new effort most closely resembles the SANS Institute's Internet Storm  
Center, although that service has no direct link with federal law  
enforcement. CIDDAC also is targeting large companies with similar IT  
security needs. Internet Storm Center uses the DShield distributed  
intrusion-detection system technology to collect data from users'  
intrusion-detection logs and disseminate this information to other  
users. DShield is a piece of freeware maintained by the SANS  
Institute. The Internet Storm Center, a free service, lets users  
submit firewall logs anonymously, but they must register with the  
SANS Institute to view an archive of firewall logs they submitted to  
the DShield database in the past 30 days and get confirmation of log  

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