----- Forwarded message from Michael Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Michael Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:39:43 -0700
Subject: [p2p-hackers] [Fwd: [Planetlab-users] Announcing: TCP NAT 
        Traversal/Hole-Punching Library]
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Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got this by way of the PlanetLab mailing list... Definitely thought it
would be of interest!

- Mike

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Planetlab-users] Announcing: TCP NAT Traversal/Hole-Punching
Library From:    "Saikat Guha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Wed, September 28, 2005 3:46 am

Hi all,
(apologies if you get multiple copies of this)

I am pleased to announce the availability of our open-source TCP NAT
Traversal/Hole-Punching library based on our research published in [1].

[1] "Characterization and Measurement of TCP Traversal through NATs
     and Firewalls", S. Guha and P. Francis. IMC 2005.

The key result of the paper is: TCP NAT traversal can work 85%-90% of the
time today (without any special assumptions about NATs), and 100% of the
time between pairs of certain popular, well-behaved NATs. See [1] for more

An open-source Java library for TCP NAT Traversal is now available:
 webpage: http://nutss.net/stunt.php
 faq: http://nutss.net/jstunt-faq.php
 library and example: http://nutss.net/jstunt-examples.php

The above library has been tested for pair-wise connectivity across 11
brands of NATs from Windows and Linux hosts. NATs tested were Linksys,
DLink, Netgear, Belkin, 3Com, Netopia, Allied Telesyn, SMC, Trendnet, USR,
Buffalo Tech. Out of the 121 possible pair-wise combinations, 113
connections are successful. The only ones that failed are when both the
endpoints are behind the _same_ NAT device that does not support TCP
hairpin-behavior yet (see [1]).

The java library is released under LGPL; contact me if this does not meet
your needs. Feel free to extend it/port it etc.

Q: I am a P2P developer/researcher. How does this help me?
A: The library adds TCP NAT traversal out-of-the-box. This increases the
connectivity in your P2P network since two users behind their NATs can now
exchange data without having to go through an intermediary node. You can:
- Use this library as is (for development of P2P software, research,
  small deployments, etc in java)
- Study it to provide TCP NAT Traversal in your existing P2P
  applications in your language of choice.
- etc.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or problems, do not
hesitate to contact me. Cheers,
Users mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- End forwarded message -----

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