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From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:50:41 -0400

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Even more important is the eBay "privacy" policy...

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 15:53:09 -0400

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> From: Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: September 12, 2005 12:24:05 PM EDT
> Subject: RE: [IP] eBay to Acquire Skype
> Dave;
> Can anyone on IP project what sort of US regulatory exposure this
> will place upon Skype? I have my suspicions, but I would prefer the
> opinions of those more immersed in the field.

Well...  Based on eBay's stated "privacy" policy, this will open up pen
tracing to LEOs with just a phone call at the least.

At the worst, Skype users will soon be getting new software that allows
LEOs to backdoor skype crypto and get free access to those phone calls
(also based on eBay's stated "privacy policy"...)


Date: September 12, 2005 1:41:43 PM EDT
Subject: Lauren Weinstein's Blog Update: Public Call for Skype to Release 

Lauren Weinstein's Blog Update: Public Call for Skype to Release

                            September 12, 2005



Greetings.  As I noted in <a
a recent IP posting</a>, eBay's purchase of the popular Skype VoIP
service (now official) leads to new concerns over the proprietary
nature of Skype's security and encryption systems, which will now be
under the control of an extremely large and powerful corporate entity.

For eBay and Skype to have a chance of maintaining the goodwill and
trust of Skype users, I call on Skype to forthwith release the
specifications and implementation details of Skype's encryption and
related technologies.

This disclosure should ideally be made to the public, but at a minimum
to an independent panel of respected security, privacy, and encryption
experts, who can rigorously vet the Skype technology and make a public
report regarding its security, reliability, and associated issues.


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