[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anonymous) writes:

> http://www.bartec.com/content/whatshotCOPS.html
> BARTEC's simple, affordable, intelligent solution for CALEA
> intercepts!
> What Is COPS? CALEA Operations (COPS) is BARTEC's solution for the
> Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) which
> will begin implementation on June 1, 2000. COPS serves as the
> primary interface for delivery of J-025 standard messages from the
> Telecommunications Service Provider (TSP) to the law enforcement
> agency (LEA), as defined in CALEA legislation.
> A COPS workstation consists of:
>    BARTEC COPS Software
>    PC (configured for COPS specs)
>    8 Port Cisco Router / Modem Pool
>    100 base T Hub
> How Does COPS Work?
> A COPS workstation supports three critical tasks in the CALEA pen
> register intercept environment, as follows:
> #CALEA "D" and "E" Interface
> CALEA legislation defines "D" and "E" interfaces for telephone
> surveillance. The "D" interface is located in the TSP switch or
> regional facility. The "E" interface is located at the LEA. The
> "D" interface will require a TCP/IP wide area network (WAN) to be
> established between the TSP and the LEA. The WAN may be on a dial-up
> or dedicated private lease line (PVC) that is defined by the TSP or
> LEA. To meet interface requirements, the COPS workstation includes
> a Cisco router with eight modem ports. Modem ports one to seven are
> dedicated for "E" interface - one for each TSP. Modem port eight is
> reserved for communication with existing BARTEC devices for analog
> pen register intercepts. Remote command and control and automatic
> downloads for BARTEC's Micro DNR, SSL-12 Smart Slave and DLP-14/400
> Wireless Intelligent Transmitter will be accessible via port eight.
> This feature is not available on any other CALEA intercept system, and
> will prove important and useful as telephone surveillance makes the
> transition from analog to digital over the next several years. #Data
> Compilation In a CALEA pen register intercept environment, TSPs will
> deliver J-025 standard messages, as defined in the CALEA legislation,
> over a call data channel (CDC). Each of the modem ports on the Cisco
> router supports CDC delivery of data in a number of formats. Analog
> data received on port will be in ASCII format. COPS assembles and
> converts all data in all formats for compatibility with many different
> analytical software packages.
> #Creation of Files and Distribution of Collected Data
> Once data is assembled and converted, it is compiled into files. Once
> files are created at the COPS workstation, data can be distributed for
> analysis or other CALEA functions. Distribution can take place via the
> LEA network to a secure server, on a daily or periodic basis. Data
> may be loaded manually or on demand to the server by the LEA network
> administrator. Analysis software typically resides on the server.
> In a CALEA wiretap intercept environment, COPS will test J-025
> messages received from the TSP to determine if immediate distribution
> is required. Messages are routed through the LEA network to the
> appropriate BARTEC Digital Audio Recording Environment (DARE)
> workstation. At the DARE workstation, analog voice and data will be
> assembled by the COPS Micro DNR for real time access by the DNR.
> Why Buy COPS?
> COPS offers multiple CALEA intercept capability and supports both
> pen register and wiretap configurations COPS can interface with
> BARTEC analog pen registers/remote devices as telephone surveillance
> transitions to CALEA COPS offers future expansion to accommodate
> additional CALEA interfaces COPS is affordably priced, allowing even
> small law enforcement agencies to perform CALEA intercepts

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