----- Forwarded message from jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 12:58:08 -0800
Subject: [i2p] weekly status notes [dec 14]

Hash: SHA1

Hi y'all, time for the weekly status notes

* Index
1) Net status
2) mail.i2p
3) roadmap
4) i2pcontent
5) i2p-bt
6) ???

* 1) Net status

The release included a whole slew of fixes and the net
handled things pretty well.  Over time we ran into a few long
standing peer selection and overload problems on duck's irc server
though, but after some patches that seems to have recovered nicely.

There are a few key modifications that have been made since
that we'll be rolling out into a release fairly soon:
= bandwidth-based tunnel throttling
= reenabling (with some tweaks) the probabalistic dropping of
  messages under heavy congestion
= various profiling and ranking fixes
= some time sync related updates.

That last one is worth a bit more discussion, as it relates to
something we've been seeing over the last day or two.  For some
reason, we have had a small portion of the network somehow get their
clocks skewed by 5 minutes.  We've recently improved the safe and
automatic healing of the time synchronization, and there's also
some new code to proactively kick out peers whose clocks skew after
the connection is established.  These are only partial solutions
though - in the long run, we need secure NTP synchronization (or at
least synchronization within our 60s margin of error).  Before you
say it, let me just reiterate that I'd love to get rid of the clock
synchronization issue, and if you can come up with a way to do so
securely, we'll do so.

In any case, with the various fixes in place I do expect we'll have
a new release in the next day or three, so keep your ears to
the ground.

* 2) mail.i2p

I've been hearing some whispering of some neat features coming from
mail.i2p lately, and postman has some things he wants to discuss -
swing on by the meeting and see what's up!

* 3) roadmap

No Dorothy, we aren't going to have the 1.0 release this month.

I've updated http://www.i2p.net/roadmap with both revised content
and a more conservative schedule.  The old 0.4.3 release is being
placed as 0.5 and 0.4.4 is being placed as 0.6, since they're both
pretty hefty updates.  You'll also note one of 0.6's new items -
"Basic content distribution infrastructure".  Thats...

* 4) I2PContent

Frosk has been posting [1] up some really cool ideas for a content
distribution network on top of I2P, merging the old MyI2P with the
original P2P network, the only one that can push terrabytes of data
around without batting an eye and has a 20+ year track record -
Usenet.  Frosk's work on this is looking pretty exciting, so check
out the posts on his blog and get in touch with him if you want to

[1] http://frosk.i2p/

* 5) i2p-bt

As announced [2] last week, duck & gang have claimed the swarming
file transfer bounty [3] with their port [4] of the original
BitTorrent to I2P!  See the announcement for more details.

[2] http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/2004-December/000517.html
[3] http://www.i2p.net/bounties
[4] http://duck.i2p/i2p-bt/

* 6) ???

I'm sure there are thing that I'm overlooking and there's much left
unsaid, so swing on by the meeting tonight and discuss things

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