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Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:49:41 -0300
From: "The terror test..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ... and the survival of the Western world

From: Los Angeles Times.com Forums, Politics, CubDest Editorial, Sept.
24, 2001

We are facing an alliance of leftist forces remnants of Communism and
radical Moslem movements, in which the dictator Fidel Castro places his
The bloody episodes of terror of September 11th, which occurred
simultaneously in New York and Washington, could in some ways be
interpreted as a huge testing of the North American and world public
opinion, at the hands of anti-Christian forces bent on the destruction
of the Western World. As pointed out by the German strategist Karl von
Clausewitz, the main objective in a war is to eliminate the adversary's
will to resist.  Following that line of thought, the attack on September
11th proved, in the midst of tragedy, in an uplifting reality for the
Western world and undoubtedly uncomfortable for its adversaries: rising
above the pain, uncertainty and the irreversible changes in every day
life, the majority of the people of North American reacted in the spirit
of patriotism and with a determination to resist the enemy, with an
intensity difficult to predict after the nature of such attacks.
Meanwhile, in Latin America a phenomenon is taking place which causes
great apprehension: after the initial horror and consequent solidarity
with the victims, the public opinion has suffered a subtle but effective
pressure from leftist forces, through the media, to try to blame what
happened on the United States, presenting the victims as those which
launched the attacks.
In an attempt to obtain this unacceptable roll reversal, the same
mechanism that has been used so many times to absolve the Communist
regime of Cuba by making the exiled Cubans and the United States the
aggressors. This the same type of play with words by the left that were
used during the 1960's and the 1980's to justify the aggressions in the
continent of pro-Castro guerilla forces.
Regrettably,  there are ecclesiastical voices, independent from their in
tentions, that are allowing themselves to be used in that dangerous
game.  For example, the influential Brazilian Archbishop Mons. Luciano
Mendes de Almeida, who served in a prominent position in the Catholic
Conference of Brazil and in CELAM, said referring to the attacks of
September 11th:  "It is because of the extreme amount of poverty and the
domination of some countries over others, that things of this nature
This type of talk is occurring mainly in Latin America put it can also
be heard in Europe and even in the United States, with the collaboration
of those mechanisms that protect the so called anti-globalization
movements.  In the concrete order of the acts which occurred we are in
the presence of an alliance between leftist forces remnants of Communism
and radical Moslem movements, in which the dictator Fidel Castro places
his expectations of survival.
All of this brings us to a fundamental theme, in which we have insisted
upon an uncountable amount of times, when it comes to the defense of the
Western world and the cause of freedom of Cuba: the importance of
publicity. In effect, it seems exaggerated to say after having witnessed
the destructive capacity of terrorism, but in reality the decisive
battle continues to be in the psychological and ideological fields. A
type of battle which is capable of destroying man spiritually, all the
while maintaining his physical health intact.
We decidedly enter into a world where chaos is multiplied by chaos. To
learn to survive in that atmosphere means not accepting it as something
natural but instead each time we need to prepare ourselves to have more
will to resist and more of a vigilant spirit.
Without a doubt, the results of the test of terror where not totally
favorable for the anti-Christian forces.  But it is also true that we
have before us an arduous path, full of traps and things that are
unforeseen. Let us learn necessary lessons for the cause of freedom.
Far from the vicissitude of the present time and future circumstances,
the promise of the Most Holly Virgin in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, which
is undoubtedly a motive for bright hope:  "At last, my Immaculate Heart
will triumph".

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