Subject: ..."cypherpunky cryptobabble libertopians should take note"...
 From Mid August.
The subject line above was immediately taken as an insult by Tim and Declan!

They mustn't get out much
,Ive called them much worse yet they've managed to both adroitly put a 
little space between themselves and "libertarianism".Not enough to save 
them but enough to demonstrate clearly their cowardice and fear of 
debate.Maybe it was the 'cryptobabble' appellation that dogged their cats.
Seth on declan,later,
 >>"Everybody goes by what he posts, the politically correct (for here)
liberpunk anarcrypt cyberbilge. Not what he *does*. It's utterly unreal." <<
It sure is mate and Ill not stop reminding him.
Declan's a phony cypherpunk,,journalist and especially "libertarian."Just 
another bottom feeding hack with artistic pretensions.The company he keeps 
stink to high hell.
Seth on May;
 >>you *do*
have "lots of guns and money". Why aren't you also giving him a pass for
restating what are presumably your own true statements? As far as being
"a dangerous person", well, that depends who one thinks is your target. <<

This got seth blacklisted in silicon valley by crypto-fascist 
May.Tailgunner,roy Cohn,May.He does shoot himself in the foot a lot.I hope 
Tims as big on Hemingway as he is on guns.He may even trip reaching for the 
trash basket and ram his head into a sharp corner of hardwood/plastic 
furniture.Tims last lost highway.Lately his targets have been jews(an 
oldie)black blocers,everyone in DC,gays,wimmin,nigaz,the usual Nazi 
suspects.Lets face it,the guys a fascist creep.Godwins or not he comes here 
spouting bill white,Pravda (!) corespondent.The two have a lot in 
common.Anyone with an interest in the lunar right can run some name 
searches on bill.He used to call himself an anarchist as well.
Tims smart enough to sense the real oceans of anarchism he's all at sea 
with,I wonder if he see's the blood in his waters? The red-brown chum he 
and his fist mate billy are ladleling? Keep it up Timmy.You'll get what's 
coming to you.

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