an-alyst's pick Wed, 07 Jul 2004 12:22:02 -0600

Subway Financial Inc
Invest0r Alert

EPFL  is the newest. exciting  growth st0ck in our portf0lio  that could
see solid price  gains  over  the  next several  weeks. This st0ck seems
ideally  situated  to  see   higher trading levels in the next week, and
benefits from having both solid fundamentals and a compelling investment

This emerging fi-nancial  c0nglomerate  has  synergistic  0perations  in
m0rtgage  banking,  fin-ancial techn0logies, and s0ftware is pursuing an
aggressive acquisiti0n program that  will  significantly improve t0p and
b0ttom line gr0wth.  EPFL  has  already  demonstrated   successes   with
its  m0rtgage  division  and  is  poised  to  see  similar  success with
introduction of its inn0vative VideoFone VoIP System.

EPFL’s m0rtgage banking division has  more than $360 milli0n in m0rtgage
fin'ancings per year, and expects to finance m0rtgage l0ans of more than
$1 billi0n over the next year.  With more than $3.8 trilli0n in m0rtgage
l0ans last year and interest rates  at  all  time lows, there is a solid
0pportunity for growth.

Epic Financial Corporation (OTC BB: EPFL)
Current Price: $0.11
Shares 0utstanding: 11.2 Million
Market Capitalizati0n: $1.9 Million
Industry: C0nsumer Fi-nancial Services
Industry P/E: 13.3x

EPFL is a diversified  finan-cial services,  fi'nancial techn0logy,  and
fi-nancial s0ftware  c0nglomerate  that  is  implementing  an aggressive
expansi0n and acquisiti0n pr0gram to dramatically inc-rease its revenues
and pr0fits over the near term.  The C0mpany’s m0rtgage banking division
has already made several acquisiti0ns with total l0an financings of $360
milli0n per year, and intends to gr0w these  finan-cings to  $1  billi0n
over  the  next  twelve  months.   At  the  same  time, EPFL is pursuing
exciting  new  0pportunities  in  fi'nancial techn0logy  devel0pment and
s0ftware publishing.  EPFL plans to release an inn0vative new VoIP vide0
conferencing soluti0n for use in the  m0rtgage  and  financial  services

The  C0mpany’s Epic M0rtgage division has pursued a series of successful
acquisiti0ns that have led to l0an  financings of more than $360 milli0n
per year.  The recent  acquisiti0ns  of  Key  M0rtgage  C0rporation  and
American  National M0rtgage C0rporation have built a pr0fitable m0rtgage
business for EPFL  with  significant  revenues.   Key M0rtgage alone saw
revenues of $4.7 milli0n and earnings  of  $588  th0usand  for  the  ten
months  ended  Oct.  31, 2003.  EPFL is aggressively pursuing additional
m0rtgage expansi0n  0pportunities,  and  plans  to  reach  $1 billi0n in
m0rtgage fi-nancings over the next year.

EPFL is making  an  aggressive  entry  into  an  expl0sive  gr0wth  VoIP
techn0logy  market  with  devel0pment of its VideoFone VoIP System.  The
VideoFone, utilizing a proprietary VoIP  system  to connect parties in a
fi-nancial transacti0n (such as m0rtgage bankers, underwriters, vend0rs,
and cust0mers) is an inn0vative s0lution tailor made to the needs of the
fi'nancial  services industry,  and p0sitions EPFL at the forefront of a
VoIP market which is expected to  reach revenues of $197 billi0n by 2007
from $13.0 billi0n in 2002 (Insight Research).

EPFL is exceptionally well positi0ned within a m0rtgage banking industry
that has been enjoying the most r0bust gr0wth of the past thirty  years.
In 2003, m0rtgage financing reached an all time high, with appr0ximately
$3.8  trilli0n  ($2.5 trilli0n from refinances alone), and the long term
0utlook remains highly fav0rable.  In  spite of inevitable interest rate
hikes, and the ensuing  decline  in  re-finan-ces, the  M0rtgage  Banking
Ass0ciation  of  America  f0recasts stable m0rtgage originations of $2 -
$2.5 trilli0n through 2006.  With  its m0rtgage banking service 0ffering
oriented across the spectrum  from  FHA  buyers  to  luxury  buyers,  we
believe  that  Epic Fi-nancial is exceptionally situated to benefit from
this strong m0rtgage origination climate.

EPFL benefits from  their  experienced  and  solid management teams, who
have extensive hands-on  and  man'agement experiences  in  the  m0rtgage
banking  and  fi'nancial services  industries.   Management,  led by CEO
William Parker, has been  successful  in  the  development  of EPFL as a
rapidly growing finan-cial services firm with  a  number  of independent
revenue streams.  Mr. Parker has more than 20 years of experience in the
m0rtgage  industry,  and  has  served  as  CEO  for a number of m0rtgage
banking operations, including American National M0rtgage.

At its current   trading   price   of   $0.11   per   share,   EPFL is a
c0mpelling investment  0pportunity.  To  better  appreciate  the  upside
p0tential  it offers to invest0rs, consider the  following  --  m0rtgage
st0cks  trade  at  an  average  P/E  of  13.3x  --  EPFL’s  Key M0rtgage
subsidiary alone saw  revenues  of  $4.7  milli0n  and  earnings of $588
th0usand for the ten  months  Jan.-  Oct.,  2003.   Keep  in  mind  that
this is for  one  division  of  the  C0mpany  alone  and doesn’t reflect
acquisiti0ns,  other  subsidiaries,  and  the  introduction  of   EPFL’s
techn0logy  and VoIP  solutions!  With new acquisiti0ns and antici-pated
t0p and b0ttom line gr0wth,  we  expect  EPFL’s market valuati0n to move
higher over the next several months.

You may want to consider  adding this st0ck to your p0rtfolio now, while
pri'ces are still l0w. With more acquisiti0ns in the works, a successful
m0rtgage banking   0peration,   and   pr0fitable  new  0pportunities  in
fi'nancial s0ftware  and  VoIP, EPFL has solid upside p0tential. This is
an excellent micr0cap  issue, and could be part of any gr0wth p0rtfolio.

DIS-CLAI-MER: Subway Fi'nancial Inc. is an ind-ependent newsletter  with
the  g0al  of giving invest0rs the nec'essary kn0wledge to make rati0nal
and pr0fitable inv'estment decisi0ns.  This publicati0n does not pr0vide
an ana'lysis of the C0mpany's fin'ancial positi0n and is not an 0ffer to
b'uy or s'ell secu-rities. Inv'esting in secu'rities is spe-culative and
carries r'isk. It is rec0mmended that any  inve'stment  should  be  made
after  c0nsulting with your inve-stment advis0r and after rev-iewing the
fin'ancial sta'tements of the c0mpany.  SFI presents inf0rmation in this
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as-sured.  Past  perf0rmance  does not ins'ure similar fu-ture re-sults.
SFI is not purp0rted  to  be  a  c0mplete  and th0rough ana'lysis of the
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