The workers are the main victims of all wars because we are the majority of society. They use us to fight against other workers in defence of the cringing interests of a privileged minority; they make us hate --leaving that hatred as an inheritance-- people that we don't know and have not harmed us.
We are before a historical moment and we have a moral responsibility; they are deciding the type of world that we will live in and leave for our children; they are deciding if the law of the most powerful one will be the only law.
We call on the working class and all of society in general to support this Strike without distinction of initials nor sectarian or strategic positions, it is the moment to leave differences aside, our dignity demands that from us.
Original Spanish on:
The CGT, Solidaridad Obrera, the Coordinadora Sindical de Madrid and other "minority" unions have also called a 24 hour General Strike for April 10th. Meetings are being held with social, environmentalist, neighbourhood, etc. organisations to support this 24-hour strike. UGT has called a two-hour strike for that date. CCOO decided not to strike, although several regional federations of CCOO are openly opting for the two-hour strike, disobeying confederal mandates.


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