They came back to the WTC to finish what they started.They should have been 
assisted in this with trial information from the 1st attempt.Is DC now 
unfinished business? Has there been more invaluable intelligence learnt?
RR is close to desirable targets,especially the Pentagon.If caucasians took 
the plane using more people to flush out marshalls and shaped charges to 
blow doors then it should be relativly simple to finish the job on DC.
My passports for sale.
Some senile numbskull wrote...>>(That the dominant political philosophy is 
closely-attuned to what is now called "libertarianism" (but which used to 
be called "liberalism," or "classical liberalism") is more because that's 
the only political philosophy attuned to distributed, non-hierarchical 
systems. One might imagine a list oriented toward using strong crypto to 
help with fascism, or with Maoism, but there would be some deep conflicts. 
The absence of such groups, or even of "strong crypto for social welfare" 
milder forms, tells us a lot.) <<
Dominant where exactly? Planet Tim?
 >>the only political philosophy attuned to distributed, non-hierarchical 
systems. <<
Is anarchism,where does "libertarianism",especially as defined here get off 
trying to rip off classic anarchism? Your a shameless thief Mongo.
 >> One might imagine a list oriented toward using strong crypto to help 
with fascism, or with Maoism, but there would be some deep conflicts.<<
There is,(this one.) and there are,(conflicts,ones you dont condescend to 
debate.(to vulgar?,scared?)
 >>strong crypto for social welfare" milder forms,<<
Is there a shoat in the house? Mongo is turning into the math equivalent.

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