Chinese torture allegations
 From The Times
February 12, 2002
A SENIOR official in China's National Security Ministry has smuggled 
documents to the West that disclose orders to police chiefs to torture 
women members of Christian churches as part of a crackdown on religious groups.
Jubilee Campaign, a British human rights group, has obtained evidence of 
the women being abused with electric cattle prods, sexually assaulted and 
beaten into falsely confessing they were raped by their religious pastors.
Death sentences have been passed on several leading Christians in recent 
months, including a woman who is a member of the South China Church tried 
in secret in December.
The official who leaked the documents is in hiding, fearing for his life. 
The dossier has been passed to the White House before US President George 
W. Bush's visit to China this month.
Mr Bush has asked to be briefed about the treatment of Christian groups, 
and human rights groups hope this evidence will persuade him to take 
tougher action against Beijing. The testimony of these victims, smuggled 
out of prison at the end of last year, will embarrass Chinese officials who 
claim they have stopped such brutal tactics after being included in the 
World Trade Organisation and securing the Olympic Games for Beijing.
One woman prisoner, Yang Tongi, signed her testimony with a bloody 
fingerprint. She says she was seized from a bus and forced to kneel for 
hours in a prison cell before her interrogation began. She was handcuffed 
and her captors boasted as they beat her: "We can kill you without causing 
any problems."
She described watching a friend so badly beaten that her fingers were bent 
out of position and she could not straighten her legs.
Zhang Hongjuan, 20, said guards at the Zhong Xiang detention centre 
shackled her hand and foot and tortured her with an electric prod. "They 
forcefully unbuttoned my shirt and touched every spot on my chest with the 
electric club. I yelled at the top of my voice but they moved the club into 
my mouth to stop me from crying."
Others were forced to endure medical examinations as police sought proof 
they had had sex with their pastor. Tongjin Li said in the same jail she 
was threatened with sexual assault and a guard jeered: "This is not 
considered as raping but just coping with people like you."
The woman, who is scarred for life, said the attack on her continued for 
more than 15 hours and stopped only when she revealed a telephone number of 
a fellow Christian.
The Jubilee Campaign has shown The Times some of the original leaked 
documents from the Ministry of Public Security. They order a ban on a 
variety of "cults" which they consider a "crawling danger to domestic 
security and defence". They identify "cults" as any group which has refused 
to register with the Government and include Catholic and Protestant missions.
The documents include a speech by Sun Jianxian, a leading security 
official, telling his officers to intensify the crackdown which they must 
keep hidden from "hostile Western powers hastening to continue their 
strategies of 'westernising' our country". About 129 people have been 
killed for their religious activities and another 208 crippled by torture.

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