Thomas Tripp: In His Own Words
On January 28, 2001, seven others and myself took part in a direct action 
protest of the lack of educational opportunities, the religious 
restrictions placed on Native Americans, the harsh, isolated conditions, 
and disrespectful, abusive guards at Two Rivers Prison in Umatilla, Oregon. 
We took over a housing unit there for nearly two hours and laid waste to 
it. We destroyed televisions, computers, fax machines, soda and ice 
machines, files, phone systems, all the windows on the unit, even the 
ceiling. We also flooded the entire unit. Having no weapons, we ceded 
control of the unit when the prison's "Tactical Emergency Response Team" 
(TERT) arrived with shotguns, pistols, and an M16. After we had surrendered 
and were lying face down on the floor, the TERT threw a concussion grenade 
at us. We were then stripped naked and forced to lie handcuffed in between 
glass and water. Finally, we were marched - still nude - through the prison 
to segregation. We had caused over $57,000 dollars worth of damage to 
Oregon Department Of Corrections (ODOC) .
Personal reasons for this action varied with the individual taking part. 
While I cannot speak for my comrades, I can say that none of us belong to a 
"white supremacist splinter group," as was portrayed in the ODOC's press 
releases - releases that were faithfully reprinted with no independent 
corroboration in the state's lousy rag The Oregonian. Speaking for myself, 
my motivation, as mentioned above, was to attempt to win back from the ODOC 
our educational programs, to ease the restrictions on Native Americans, and 
to get some sort of recreational programs at Two Rivers. Further - and more 
importantly - I had hoped that our example would be picked up and emulated 
by prisoners across the state. I had hoped that other prisoners would see 
that one does not always have to accept the abuse, that ways of fighting 
back exist. Finally, because I believe that the truly revolutionary moment 
will be the result of constantly engaging in "insurrectional moments at 
ever-closer intervals." I was simply doing my part.
That was a year ago. Since then, I have been locked down 23 hours a day - 
first for six months in the "Disciplinary Segregation Unit" (the hole), and 
for the last five months here in the "Intensive Management Unit" (the 
hole). According to the people who run this place, I'll be in the hole at 
least until September 2002, and probably until February 2003 (despite the 
fact that I am scheduled to parole on August 23, 2002).
On October 3, 2001, I was indicted by a Grand Jury of Umatilla County on 
three new felony charges: Riot, Criminal Mischief 1, and Inmate in 
Possession of a Weapon. These charges carry a possible combined total of 
thirty years in prison. After the District Attorney illegally postponed my 
arraignment for nearly three months, I was arraigned by video court on 
December 26, 2001, and my trial was set for April 19, 2002 - my 24th Birthday.
Since December 26, the only contact I've had with an attorney has been a 
letter from mine on December 31 stating his intent to withdraw from my 
case. Despite my attempts, I have been unable to ascertain the nature of 
the evidence against me. I have no idea what the District Attorney is 
attempting to do, or how much time he is pushing for (although I've been 
told everything from five to twelve years). Although years of my life hang 
in the balance, I am being kept entirely in the dark by the state of 
Oregon. Whether or not this is intentional, I do not know.
This much I do know: Every available weapon will be used against me in this 
case - including the tragic events of September 11 - as they will be used 
against every revolutionary comrade with the courage to strike back against 
the state and capitalism. That the state would use thousands of dead bodies 
as a means to further oppression illustrates the point I made in my 
previous article "The States Are The Real Terrorists" (see Break The Chains 
#8, available for $1 at the PO Box below) - the state is afraid. It has 
been made afraid by the growing number of insurrectionary and explicitly 
anti-state and anti-capitalist actions over the last five years. It fears 
these courageous actions because it cannot control them, it cannot stop 
them. It fears their inherent lack of hierarchy. This fear, along with the 
state's newly acquired weapon of September 11, puts me - and every other 
revolutionary comrade - in a very precarious position. We cannot allow this 
to make us hesitant - we must proceed - despite the state's paltry 
consequences. As I have said before, the state assumes that if it locks 
enough people away for long enough periods of time, the movement will 
disappear. We must continue to challenge that assumption. No one else can 
liberate us: We must free ourselves.
For more information, contact: Break The Chains, PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 
97440. Thomas Tripp is in serious need of financial and emotional support. 
Monetary donations can be made out to "Uncivilized Books," and can be sent 
to the address above. Please send along a note specifying that you would 
like your donation to go to Thomas Tripp.

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