called "terrorist" by Italian magazine "Panorama'by Chuck0
August 21, 2002 The Italian newsmagazine, Panorama, has just published an 
article on activist and anarchist websites in which it basically says that 
they "aid terrorists." Websites featured include Indymedia, A-Infos, and several Italian language sites. The article includes large 
reproductions of the front pages of several websites (including Infoshop). 
One photo shows the police during their investigation of last year's murder 
of Marco Biagi, the left-wing Labor minister, whose assasination was blamed 
on hard core leftists. This article would be pretty amusing, if it wasn't 
for the long history of the media's practice of defaming, lying, and 
misrepresenting radical groups. It might be easy to laugh off this 
sensationalism, but it helps create hysteria against radical ideas. It is 
especially troubling given the Italian government's recent track record in 
raiding radical newspapers and media centers. Just look at the bloody 
assault by the Italian government on the Independent Media Center in Genoa 
last year. The Italian government, headed by media tyrant Berlusconi, also 
has raided homes and tried to shut down activist websites. Several years 
ago, the Italian authorities tried to shut down Bits Against the Empire. 
While it is easy to keep websites running despite government attempts at 
censorship, the irresponible journalists at Panorama are contributing to an 
atmosphere were not just radical ideas are outlawed, but any views critical 
of the government are criminalized. will post more news on 
this situation as it becomes available. While we are flattered that 
Panorama calls the "bible of the black bloc," we have to point 
out that is more than just a resource for people engaged in 
one street tactic. More from IMC Italy

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