fas-cism: [fa] shizzem: noun; dictatorial movement: any movement, tendency or ideology that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism.
So, let's consider the dictionary's four criteria for fascism.
First, a passing comment on the private enterprise component. "Free enterprise" has come to mean just the opposite -- we now have an intensely corrupt corporate culture nurtured by and entwined with government, resulting in a cartel of unimaginable power. You have one vote. Halliburton and the Carlyle Group own politicians and bureaucrats by the score. Consider the resignation last week of super-hawk Richard Perle from a Pentagon advisory post after he was outed as a war profiteer. The latest revelations were that he arranged to pocket $725,000 from corporate criminal Global Crossing to engineer a deal that likely would have put some of our most sensitive technology in the hands of Communist China. War Boss Donald Rumsfeld nonetheless dubbed the twisted Perle a man of morality.
It's the first and last two criteria, however, that come into focus as Derek Alphran morosely views his scorched anti-war signs.
An ambitious cabal, disdainful of democracy and besotted with the devilish belief they are on a Mission From God, has its hands on America's control levers. They have dressed themselves up in the flag. The uninformed, misinformed and, often Nazi-caliber racists on talk radio (Michael Savage), join with government in damning dissent. Their book-burners-in-training are honing their skills by immolating dissenters' anti-war yard signs.
The rise in attacks on mosques is a related symptom, one frighteningly reminiscent of the swastika scribblers of another era. Those jacking up the hate are elevated to the status of seers. To wit, one of America's chief vitriol-slingers is Daniel Pipes, a shill for Israel's ultra-right Likud party. He is demanding that all of the 6 million Muslims in America be monitored and their activities regulated. He wants campuses purged of attitudes sympathetic to Islam and Arabs. Pipes also claims that his "research" shows 15 percent of Muslims are proto-terrorists. At an Emory University forum earlier this year, his claim was exposed as a fraud and he admitted under fire that he has no evidence. Yet, he remains a frequent network chattering head denouncing Islam.
We are demanding that other nations -- Canada, for example -- "muzzle anti-U.S. sentiment." At home, taking a page straight from Joseph Goebbels, the Bushies time terrorist alerts (likely bogus) to tweak public anxiety. When citizens are fixated on survival, attention is deflected from Bush's domestic and economic catastrophes, and his wholesale squandering of the nation's wealth to benefit his privileged class.
The horribly deceitful Ari Fleischer has warned Americans to "watch what they say." His bullhorns, such as Savage, are calling for dissidents to be jailed. Others, like Ann Coulter, call those not in the goose-stepping parade "traitors." She suggests government "physically intimidate liberals."
Those that don't pay heed are starting to pay the price. You may have heard that Stephen Downs of Albany, N.Y., was arrested after refusing to take off a "Give Peace a Chance" T-shirt in a mall. The ludicrousness of that attracted international press attention. There have been many, many similar but largely unnoted incidents, such as what happened to Andrew O'Connor in New Mexico. After opining in an online chat room that Bush "was out of control" (a tautology, I'd argue), O'Connor was besieged by the Secret Service, who handcuffed him and interrogated him for hours on his political views.
And what you haven't had hardly a hint about (one buried story in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution) is what the Bush cartel plans next. John Ashcroft is cobbling together an expansion of the grossly mis-monikered PATRIOT Act. Bush wants the power to strip people of their citizenship and to conduct secret arrests -- all without judicial oversight. We'd create our own army of the "disappeareds." Will they be terrorists, or just those who oppose the Reich? You will have no right to know. Or to ask.
So, yes, I think the jackboots are being polished.
Mea culpa: Last week I referred to some cops using "throwaway guns." The actual term is "throwdown guns."
Senior Editor John Sugg -- whose favorite recent story unreported by the AJC and most other media (except the BBC) was how Bush had his hair primped and was cracking jokes before he disingenuously donned an actor's somber face and announced we were going to war -- can be reached at 404-614-1241 or at [EMAIL PROTECTED].


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