Title: Anthrax
Postmaster General says: Safety Not Guaranteed! We do not have a fail safe system in place to protect the mail or the citizens of the US against Anthrax Postmaster General, Jack Potter October 24, 2001
  '   Are you concerned about getting Anthrax?
  '   Do you want to protect against Anthrax coming to your home or office thru the mail?
  '   Do you want to know how to eradicate Anthrax and prevent Anthrax Infection?
  '   Do you know how Ultra-Violet light eradicates Anthrax and other potential Bio-terror viruses and bacteria?
    New Anthrax Zapper Announced  CLICK HERE TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFO  
The Anthrax Exterminator is a portable hand-held and battery operated unit similar in appearance to a flashlight which allows people to easily zap Anthrax and sterilize surfaces such as your mail box, the mail itself, desks, counters at home or in the workplace as well as thousands of other surfaces that people come in contact with everyday. The Anthrax Exterminator eradicates Anthrax bacteria and other viruses in about 8 seconds using an ultraviolet C wave-the germicidal method recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Mr. English said: This early detection test will help people better protect themselves and their families against bio-terrorism. As was commented over the past weeks in the Media regarding bio-terrorism, it's about preparedness not panic.

Since making the announcement yesterday we've been flooded with orders from every state and from all over the world.  In this day and age we believe that $99.95 is a small price to pay for peace of mind and anticipate shipping thousands of orders a day to consumers and businesses who are concerned about Anthrax and Bio-terrorism. concluded Mr. English
    Postmaster: No Guarantees for Safe Mail  



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