Assassinate the Commander in Chief...You can do that!?
David Letterman standin pr.
A shadowy figure in a terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters to target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American citizens.
"The United States has declared war," he said in a radio message to armed freedom fighters "Our obligation is to fight them.Anyone who destroys American interests, consulates, all missionary organisations, McDonald's, KFC, Shell or Caltex petrol pumps or American Express, or anyone who cuts off the head of an American, you will be given complete protection and a special place in paradise."

When James Dalton Bell wrote 'Assassination Politics" in 1996 he had in mind 'predictions' like Saddam Hussein.Now his philosophy has become official state policy I wonder when he will be released from Folsom and given a medal as Americas Nelson Mandela.It is exciting when the covert state pulls rank over the brass isn't it?
Tenet trumps Tommy.
I have become quite excited about politics again after 25 years of not voting.Bush Junior has done more for World Anarchist Revolution than anyone since Durruti or Mahkno.The chances of him winning in 04 seem slim however I believe he now represents the best chance we have to bring forward the first global revolution ever.
Just listen to Donald Rumsfeld for a minute..."Stop work!" Brilliant!
"Throw down your weapons(of mass distraction and prepare to be judged."
Okay,it's not original but it works for me.
We could even have a global money supply to switch from soon! Think of how that will simplify matters.
Peaceful Anarchy backed up by distributed open source assassination politics has sustained my dreamtime for the last two years,although things look dark now it is often darkest just before the dawn.
There are two superpowers now,Anarchy and Amerikkka...We need an international revolutionary civil war, a total social revolution to take us to a new stage of stateless, communal Anarchism, not just to manage humanity and nature better, but to free both the people and their ability to survive and build a new economy. All power to the Anarchists!

Saddam futures,Bush Juniors futures,,1283,35620,00.html
"If we find negligence on the side of any person or institution...
... Public Subscription Assassination .Assassins sans Frontiers.
"We did not enter into society to become worse than we were before, nor to have fewer rights than we had before, but to have those rights better secured."

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