Think they'd be sick of it after SAVAC...oh well...
Iran: Ban on torture opposed. Iran's conservative constitutional watchdog again rejected a bill banning the torture of prisoners despite amendments by the reformist parliament, parliamentary deputies, CNN reported on 9 January.

The 12-man Guardian Council, which has the power to veto legislation it judges unconstitutional or un-Islamic, has been the chief conservative instrument in blocking reforms introduced by President Mohammad Khatami's reformers.

The bill, which seeks to tighten existing laws and define what actions are unacceptable, was approved in December for the second time by deputies after the Guardian Council had rejected an earlier draft. Some families of political detainees have claimed psychological pressure and physical force have been used to extract confessions during interrogations.

The bill will now either be sent back to parliament for further amendment or go before the Expediency Council, which arbitrates in disputes between parliament and the Guardian Council. The Expediency Council has almost always decided in favour of the Guardian Council.
Reuters report via CNN.

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