Quick-Detox is a system cleanser, formulated especially for those facing a urine screening, but effective for anyone who would like to detoxify his or her bloodstream. Each bottle contains 40 all-natural capsules, filled with only the finest pharmaceutical grade botanicals.
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Need to flush your system fast? Certified Natural Quick-Detox canrid your body of all traces of toxins in as little as two hours!

Made from all natural pharmaceutical grade botanicals, Quick-Detox is more than twice as effective as many other leading brands, has a 99.92% success rate, and is completely undetectable!

It seems everywhere you turn these days someone is trying to place limits on your personal freedom. We've all heard stories of friends and coworkers losing their jobs over unfair and wildly inaccurate drug tests. Many times employees are wrongly accused of using illegal narcotics due to 'false positive' drug test results which can be brought on by substances as common as over-the-counter cold and allergy medications.

Thanks to the ingenuity of Certified Natural Laboratories' staff of chemists, you no longer need to worry about your private activities jeopardizing your professional career. Unlike most detoxification products, which must be used weeks in advance of testing, Quick-Detox completely flushes your system of all traces of contaminants in as little as two hours!

Certified Natural Laboratories takes great care in ensuring that all of our products are made from only the finest ingredients available. Unlike 90% of the cleansing products on the market, Quick-Detox contains absolutely no fillers, lubricants or additives which can be easily detected with modern drug tests. Quick-Detox contains 100% of the FDA's recommended daily intake for 12 vitamins and 4 essential minerals. As the flushing process can rid your body of certain nutrients, it is essential to replenish them. Low levels of certain vitamins and minerals often raise the suspicions of the testing personnel.

Please Note: Consumers should be wary of purchasing any urine cleansing product that does not offer a legitimate money back guarantee. We are so confident you will be pleased with the results that we offer a complete satisfaction, money back guarantee!


1. How does Quick-Detox work?
Quick-Detox capsules quickly and safely flush your system of toxins, using a unique formula developed by chemists. Quick-Detox works by assisting your body in removing all traces of toxins, while simultaneously replinishing Vitamins and Minerals that are depleted by the detoxification process.

2. Is Quick-Detox safe?
Yes! Quick-Detox is an all natural nutritional supplement which contains no additives or fillers. All of the ingredients used in Quick-Detox are listed on the FDA's GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) list.

3. How long does it take before I will test clean?
You will need to begin taking Quick-Detox at least two to three hours prior to the time you are to be tested.

4. For how long will I continue to test clean?
Generally, once your system has been cleansed with Quick-Detox, you will test clean for at least five to tenhours.

5. I'm not a drug user. Why should I consider using Quick-Detox?
Sadly, many common everyday foods and medications can lead to a false positive on common drug tests, resulting in unwarranted accusations. Common triggers include fruit juices, cold and allergy medications, asprins, prescription medications, etc.

6. Are there any negative side effects from using Quick-Detox?
Quick-Detox is an all natural herbal nutritional supplement. Because you must consume a large amount of water prior to testing, it is not recommended for use by anyone suffering from kidney or gall bladder problems. As with any nutritional supplement, you may want to consult with a physician before using.

7. Does Quick-Detox conatin any additives or fillers that might show up on a urine test?
No it does not! Quick-Detox is 100% free from additives and fillers.

8. Why is it so important to closely follow the usage instructions?
When used properly, Quick-Detox is incredibly effective at removing all traces of toxins from your system. However, if the usage instructions are not followed, we can not guarantee the desired results.

9. How long will it take to get my order?
We ship all orders via Priority Mail, which generally takes 2-3 days to arrive. Most packages are shipped the same day the order is received.

10. Is it safe to order online?
Absolutely! We use the safest credit card processing system on the internet. All information about your order is encrypted, and cannot be viewed by anyone else. Ordering online using this state-of-the-art processing system is actually much safer than using your credit card in a restaurant or at the mall.

11. Is Quick-Detox shipped discreetly?
Yes it is! Quick-Detox is sent in a standard shipping box with no indication whatsoever as to what is contained inside.

12. What ingredients are used in Quick-Detox?
Quick-Detox is an all natural herbal nutritional supplement. Quick-Detox's unique formula was developed by chemists with over 45 years experience in this field.

13. How does Quick-Detox differ from other detoxification products?
Certified Natural Laboratories is commited to providing your family with the most powerful, innovative nutritional supplements on the market, made from only the finest quality all natural ingredients available. Quick-Detox contains absolutely no fillers, additives or lubricants, and is made from 100% pharmaceutical grade botanicals. Quick-Detox also contains 100% of the RDA for 12 essential Vitamins and four Minerals. Quick-Detox may cost a little more than some of the lesser-quality detoxification products, but isn't the additional peace of mind worth it?

14. How many capsules/servings are in a bottle of Quick-Detox?
Each bottle of Quick-Detox contains 40 powerful capsules, enough for two full detoxifications.

15. How effective is Quick-Detox at eliminating traces of toxins?
When used properly, we believe that Quick-Detox is the most effective detoxification product available anywhere.


Quick-Detox Contains 100% of the Food & Drug Administration's RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for 12 essential Vitamins and Minerals, as well as 15,100% of the RDA for Vitamin B2 (one of the most powerful urine cleansing agents). In addition, Quick-Detox contains a proprietary blend of unique herbs which have been shown to quickly and thoroughly remove all traces of toxins from the system.

The proprietary blend of herbs found in Quick-Detox consists of:

Golden Seal - Golden Seal is the root of the American medicinal plant Hydrastis Canadensis. Golden Seal has long been used as a diuretic and astringent.

Golden Rod Leaf - One of nature's most powerful astringents and diuretics.

Uva Ursi Leaf - Uva Ursi (also called bearberry) contains numerous phytochemicals which promote excretion of fluids, fight bacteria, and strengthen heart muscles.

Alfalfa Leaf - Alfalfa leaf has an extraordinary ability to alkalize and detoxify the body. It balances blood sugar and hormones, and acts as a diuretic.

Creatine Monohydrate - Creatine is a high powered energy precursor naturally found in red muscle tissue.

Chamomile - A traditional remedy for stress and anxiety, chamomile acts as a diuretic and nerve tonic.

Juniper Berry - Acts as a diuretic, anti-inflamatory, and decongestant. Very useful in helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

Ligustrum Berry - Ligustrum Berry nourishes and tones the liver and kidneys and increases blood circulation.

Licorice Root - Licorice root fights inflammation and viral, bacterial and parasitic infection. Cleanses the colon, and enhances microcirculation in the gastrointestinal lining.

Milk Thistle Seed - Also called Mary Thistle, Milk Thistle protects the liver from toxins and pollutants by preventing free radical damage and stimulating the production of new liver cells.

Turmeric Tuber - Used throughout Southeast Asia and India for thousands of years, Turmeric has been shown to aid circulation, lower cholesterol, and improve blood vessel health. Healers have used Tumeric for years for the treatment of obesity, as it is said to cut the fat from the blood.

Barberry Root - Kills bacteria and stimulates intestinal movement.

Corn Silk - Aids the bladder, kidney and intestines in removing toxins.

Gentian Root - Aids digestion and kills plasmodia.

Rice Flower - The protein in rice flour contains high levels of Lysine, an essential amino acid that strengthens the circulatory system and is necessary for all amino acid assimilation.

Peppermint Leaf - Increases stomach acidity, and slightly anesthetizes mucous membranes.

Afraid its not for you? Don't worry we offer a LIFETIME Guarantee! If your not ecstatic with our product, just return the unused portion for a FULL Refund!! No questions will be asked!

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!

Quick Detox pills are safe and effective!


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