On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, proffr11 wrote:

> Crypto is perfectly capable of dealing with problems like this.APster in a 
> word.(thanks to mike M.)

Unfortunatley it won't. AP can't do anything until AFTER the perp has been
caught, way too late to 'deal with' this sort of problem.

My standard problem to CACL sorts (unexplained to date):

A mass murder is traveling around the country Anarchia. He is very
carefull and takes random victims and disposes of them in random ways.
How would a CACL based society handle this sort of situation? How would
even the existance of the single murderer be discovered since there is no
heirarchy in which to share and manage criminal investigations. After all
the 'law enforcement' is nothing more than a bunch of loosely organized,
unfunded businesses whose major goal is profitability (otherwise they
don't exist next year).


                James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.ssz.com


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