National Guard Anti-Pot Helicopter Caused 50,000 Acre CA Fire
By Preston Peet
For High Times
"This has got to be the very worst marijuana-related damage done in this 
state in my entire lifetime." -- Dale Gieringer, California NORML
A forest fire that burned out of control for almost two weeks and 
devastated over 50,000 acres near San Diego was caused by a helicopter 
looking for pot farms, a California Department of Forestry investigation 
has concluded.
Support long beach anarchs
By Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
Recently I visited Los Angeles for a speaking tour, and learned of the 
harassment and frame-ups of Anarchists in Long Beach/Los Angeles county, 
California. It seems that repressive police And FBI terrorism is being used 
to crush the Anarchist movement there. During May Day protests against 
capitalism held in Long Beach, police without provocation attacked a street 
demonstration with brutal violence, arresting about 100 persons, and 
physically injuring several others. People were shot with rubber bullets, 
beaten with baton, and sprayed with chemical Mace.

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