"...A recent report by the US-based Rand Corporation think tank found that the Beijing government had shifted its tactics to use more technology to filter out objectionable content, instead of relying solely on surveillance of users and seizure of equipment.
The Rand report released earlier this year found Chinese authorities now appear to have more effective technology for filtering out undesirable content..."


To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: IT: Searching Through The Great Firewall Of China

[China censorware is much in the news these days. This is my
contribution to the party - hopefully, the more the merrier]
Searching Through The Great Firewall Of China, by Seth Finkelstein
Available at: http://sethf.com/anticensorware/general/china.php
Abstract: This report describes a simple technique which can be used
with some search engines to bypass censorware bans on searching for
forbidden words. Particular emphasis is placed on the situation of the
Great Firewall Of China.
Seth Finkelstein Consulting Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://sethf.com
Anticensorware Investigations - http://sethf.com/anticensorware/
Seth Finkelstein's Infothought blog - http://sethf.com/infothought/blog/
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