The world's problems on a plate
'In the US, 157 million metric tons of cereal, legumes and vegetable 
protein suitable for human use is fed to livestock to produce 28 million 
metric tons of animal protein for annual human consumption'
( Jeremy Rifkin via Guardian )
See also this article by Eric Schlosser from April 2001
Bush's Selective Distaste For Dictators
Article on the Bush administration's deeply hypocritical support for the 
government of Malaysia
( 'Laocovn' via TomPaine )
See also this commentary by John Gershman, this Washington Post article, 
this transcript of Bush's remarks on Tuesday, this US State Dept assessment 
of human rights in Malaysia, and this Human Rights Watch report

Frankencorn Threatens Mexico's Ancient Maize
'Critics have warned that GE corn should never be imported into Mexico - 
the most important world centre of biodiversity for corn - since the gene 
pool of the nation's 20,000 corn varieties and plant relatives, including 
the progenitor species of corn, called teosinte, could be irreversibly 
damaged by "genetic pollution" from the genetically engineered 
(herbicide-resistant or Bt-spliced) maize being aggressively marketed by 
Monsanto, Syngenta (formerly called Novartis) and other agbiotech 
( Ronnie Cummins via AlterNet )
See also this blog entry from December,LINKS

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