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Our teacher was telling us about a new system of memory training being used
in some schools today."It works like this ," she said. "Suppose you wanted
to remember the name of a poet -- Robert Burns, for instance." She told us
to think of him as Bobby Burns. "Now get in your head a picture of a London
policeman, a bobby in flames, See? Bobby Burns!""I see what you mean," said
the class know-it-all. "But how can you tell that it's Not Robert
A young man was walking through a super market to pick up a few things when
he noticed an old lady following him. ¡°Pardon me," she said. "I'm sorry if
my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It's just that you look
just like my son, who died recently.¡± I¡¯m very sorry," replied the young
man, "is there anything I can do for you?¡± Yes," she said, "as I'm leaving,
would you say¡¯ Goodbye, mother?' It would make me feel so much better.¡±
Sure," answered the young man. As the old woman was leaving, he called
out,¡± Goodbye, Mother!"  Then, as he stepped up to the checkout counter, he
saw that his total was $127.00. "How can that be?" he asked.  "I only
purchased a few things!¡± The clerk replied, "Your mother said you'd pay for
veneradora2pringue07madrepo`rico,socialista picrato. 

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