Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:30:41 -0500
From: Cato Institute
Subject: Invitation to Cato biometrics event

January 17, 2002

Dear reader:

I would like to invite you to "Eye in the Sky--- and Everywhere Else: 
Do Biometric Technologies Violate Our Rights?," a policy forum at the 
Cato Institute on Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 11:00 a.m. (luncheon 
to follow).

Biometric technologies--- including facial recognition, retinal 
scanners, ID cards, and implantable chips coded with personal 
information--- have been increasingly in the news since camera use in 
last year Super Bowl, and particularly since the terrorist attacks in 
New York and Washington.

Panelists will discuss the benefits of and concerns about further 
deployment of biometric identification techniques in various areas of 
American life. Do they promise new levels of physical security and 
secure commerce by preventing others from impersonating you, or do 
they threaten fundamental values of privacy? What are the 
distinctions to be made between governmental and commercial 
deployment of biometric technologies, and what policy concerns arise 
when private companies profit from selling biometrics tools to law 

The forum will feature Joseph J. Atick, chairman and CEO of Visionics 
Corp., Marc Rotenberg, of the Electronic Privacy Information 
Center, Dorothy E. Denning of Georgetown University and RAND's John 
D. Woodward Jr.

Cato policy forums and luncheons are free of charge. To register for 
this event, please visit 
<> or call Julie Johnson by 
11:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at (202) 789-5229, fax her 
at (202) 371-0841, or e-mail to 

Yours Sincerely,

Wayne Crews

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