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  • 10% withdrawals yearly

No obli gation, just an immediate response to your request.
With over 20 years experience in the financial services business, we can he lp you find the be st option available for you particular situ ation!

Contact Name:  __________________  Day Phone: _____________________________ 

Email: ________________________ Are You Currently Employed  ___ YES ___ NO       

City of Residence: __________________   State of Residence:  ___________________ 

Are You Retired ___ YES  ___ NO        Investment Knowledge  ______________   

Your Net Worth $ _________________________ Age _____

Pr int this pa ge and Fa x to:
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 Prod uct may not be available in AR,CT,DE,FL,IN,MA,MD,MT,MN,NC,NH,NV,NY,OK,OR,SD,TX,UT,VT,WA,WI


T hi s em a i l w a s s e n t t o y o u bec au s e y o u r em a i l i s
 p a r t o f a t arg et e d o p t-i n li s t. I f y o u d o n ot w is h
t o re ce i ve fu rt he r mai li ng s fr o m th i s o ff e r, pl ea s e c l ic k
be lo w a n d en t er y o ur em a il t o rem o v e y o ur em a il fr o m fu tur e of fe r s.

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