Re: FC: Valenti to Congress: "350,000 movies pirated online every day!"

  "Just a few months ago we learned that one of Americas most prestigious
   and preeminent universities, vexed by the burden of heavy persistent
   student use of its computer system, actually set up a special server
   for Gnutella, a well known mightily used site for file-sharing (a
   discreet description of taking films which dont belong to you). This
   astonishing action was taken by this University to relieve the swollen
   student use of its computer system. I swiftly dispatched an
   unambiguous letter to the President of that University chiding him for
   "a disreputable plausibility" which collided with the moral compact
   that informs a stable, free, democratic society. The University, to
   its credit, immediately cancelled the server."

At least we now know the Mass Media Industrial Komplex's true intent.

Remember: All p2p file-sharing is piracy!

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