>>When you paint targets on people, other individuals may cause them harm,
seeking some measure of your acceptance.<<

The rogue Terror state does this everyday,that's one reason why it will 
soon be the Last Empire.

  >>Some here might have actual
"followers," not fans or confederates-in-cause. <<

Why the ""? I follow Jim bell and CJ.Who will follow me?

 >>Some individuals here, and
you even as a group don't have to "ask" for somebody to be hurt, just imply
that it is consistent with your wishes.<<

Gee thanks.I had no idea.

  >>When somebody expresses targeted
violent sentiments, and you don't correct them,<<

Hang on,correct them!? Like in the cultural revolution? Define "violent." 
Tims *violent* sentiments are risible to me.

  >>they perceive that as a

Im glad to see RATs are here.(radical assembly of tactical sentencing.)

  >>(While "mattd" is a self-identifier, <<

and self abuser.

 >>others might not be. <<

Not much gets by you,does it?

might not even know about them.) <<

So we should all shut up till you tell us what violence is...uh huh.

 >>Such "suggestions" are a time-tested method
of obtaining plausible deniability for violent political action.<<

Oh violent political action is your concern.Like ashcroft approved 
anti-choice assassins.

  >>I would think SOMEBODY can at least make the effort to say something when
violent sentiments are expressed. Guess not. ~Aimee<<

You just said something,Faustine may support you,you may attract a 
following,you go girl! Kill the president,mattd.

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